Mapping and publication of four maps of amphibian, bird and small mammal communities of the Western Siberian Plains (1:4000000) and that of the vertebrate assemblage of the Novosibirsk Region (1:3000000)

Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals, SB RAS, Novosibirsk

Head of the Institute:

Vadim I.Yevsikov, Corresponding Member of the RAS
11 Frunze Str., Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia
Tel. 7(3832) 170-973, Fax 7(3832) 170973,

Principal researchers:

Y.Ravkin, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Professor
L.G.Vartapetov, PhD (Biology)
S.M.Tzybulin, PhD (Biology)
V.S.Zhukov, PhD (Biology)
V.A.Yudkin PhD (Biology)
I.N.Bogomolova, researcher

Project objectives

Estimation of the diversity of amphibian, bird and small mammal communities of the West Siberian Plains. Estimation of the diversity of all classes of vertebrates, including fish of the Novosibirsk Region. Classification of these communities and the distribution mapping of the identified population taxa.

Background and significance of objectives

Estimation of the population and distribution of the animal groups mentioned has been performed by the Laboratory of Ecological Monitoring since 1959. Areas studied and the time of the work done, as well as some data on the diversity of the groups of the animal communities studied are shown on the map. The Laboratory has a databank on the number of these animals within the territory of the former USSR. Data Bases include published and unpublished material on the depositors from 36 organisations, including scientific-research institutes, high schools and reserves. The Laboratory is entitled to use unpublished data, accumulated in Data Bank to make surveys and monitoring of the animal world. The laboratory is experienced in mapping animal communities, including game species. In particular, the map of summer and winter communities of birds of the Novosibirsk Region (1:3000000) has been published and enclosed. A similar map on vertebrates is prepared for publication. There are unpublished maps “Summer Bird Community of the West-Siberian Plain” and “Game Birds of the Forest Zone of West Siberia (1:4000000)”.

Currently, attention is focused on the investigation and preservation of biodiversity, which resulted in an international agreement. Due to the work of the laboratory, the animal community of the Western Siberian Plains, in particular, that of amphibia, birds and small mammals, is better studied now than that of the European part of Russia and Eastern Siberia. Our work resulted in 9 monographs and some generalised articles on this territory. But this information has no cartographic generalisation, thus, being not available not only for the foreign, but for Russian users either. The maps suggest visual demonstration of the territorial heterogeneity of the community and its reasons. The territory of Western Siberia is actively developed due to oil and gas output, which requires an intensive preservation of animal world.

The mapped information will become available for the incorporation into the geoinformation systems and for further use in the developing of nature protection measures, ecological examination of the projects and catastrophes as well as the initial point for further monitoring of animal world.

Research plan: approaches and methods

All maps are compiled on the results of many year censuses with legends, including dominant species, the overall density, biomass, species richness and faunistic composition of the communities (a portion in the community of different types of fauna). Legends are based on the results of cluster analysis of data on animal number. The map of vegetation (1:1500000) serves as a basis.

List of publications of participants related to the project

Publication of three 1:4000000 maps and one 1:3000000 map.

  • Blinova T.K., Blinov V.N. Birds of Southern Zauralie (forest-steppe and steppe). – Novosibirsk: Nauka,1997. – Vol. 1. Faunistical review and birds’ protection. – 295 p. – 1999. – Vol. 2. Territorial heterogeneity of bird community and the dynamic processes. – 288 p.

  • Vartapetov L.G. Birds of northern taiga of the West-Siberian Plain. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1998. – 327 p.

  • Vartapetov L.G. Birds of the taiga interstream areas of West Siberia. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1984. – 242 p.

  • Kozlov N.A. Birds of Novosibirsk (spatial-time organization of the communities). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1988. – 159 p.

  • Ravkin Yu.S. Spatial organization of bird community of the forest zone West and Middle Siberia). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1984. – 264 p.

  • Ravkin Yu.S. Birds of the forest zone of Priobie (spatial organization of summer community). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1978. – 288 p.

  • Ravkin Yu.S. Birds of the North-Eastern Altai (distribution, abundance, structure and dynamics of the community). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1973. – 375 p.

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Bogomolova I.N., Yerdakov L.N. et al. Spatial-typological structure and organization of small mammal community of the West-Siberian Plain. Advances of the Current Biology. – M., 1997. – Vol. 117, ą 6. – P. 738-755. (In Russ.).

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Gureyev S.P., Pokrovskaya I.V. et al. Spatial-time dynamics of animal world (birds and small mammals). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1985. – 207 pp.

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Lukianova I.V. Geography of vertebrates from southern taiga of West Siberia (birds, small mammals and amphibia). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1976. – 360 p.

  • Tzybulin S.M. Birds of the diffusive town (exemplified by Novosibirsk Academgorodok). – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1985. – 169 p.

  • Tzybulin S.M. Birds of the Northern Altai. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1999. – 362 p.

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Vartapetov L.G., Kolosova E.N. et al. Species Diversity of Birds of the West-Siberian Plain and General Peculiarities of their Summer Distribution // Siberian Journal of Ecology. – 1994. – ą 6. – P. 513-526. (In Russ.).

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Vartapetov L.G., Yudkin V.A. et al. Spatio-Typological Structure and Organization of Summer Bird Community of the West-Siberian Plain // Siberian Journal of Ecology. – 1994. – ą 4. – P. 295-312. (In Russ.).

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Vartapetov L.G., Yudkin V.A. et al. Spatial Structure of the Amphibian Assemblages of the West-Siberian Plain // Amphibia Population in the Commonwealth of Independent States: Current Status and Declines. – M.: Pensoft, 1995. – P. 74-87.

  • Ravkin Yu.S., Panov V.V., Vartapetov L.G. et al. Characteristics of Amphibian Distribution in the West-Siberian Plain // Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union. – Sofia-Moscow: Pensoft Publishers, 1996. – Vol. 1. – P. 67-90.