Chromosomes of mammals of russia and adjacent territories. The atlas and WWW of a database

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Department of Cytology and Genetics

Head of the Institute:

Vladimir K.Shumny, Academician of the RAS
10 Lavrentyev Ave., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Tel.: +(383-2) 33-35-26
Fax: +(383-2) 33-12-78, 33-34-66

Principal researchers:

A.S.Graphodatsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences

Project objectives

Data on the structure of chromosomal sets and genomes of more than 150 mammalian species of Russia and adjacent territories (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) have been obtained in the Laboratory of Human and Animal Cytogenetics. These data form the basis for the estimation of the biological variety and of the influence of the factors of pollution on the genetic machinery. Letting saved and new material go public in printed form (ATLAS) and on a special WWW page is the purpose of the present project.

Background and significance of objectives

Data on chromosomal number, karyotype structure, C-, G-, AgNOR-banding patterns have been obtained both for mass and for rare and disappearing mammalian species of the groups Insectivora, Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Carnivora, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla. Many kinds are investigated using methods of molecular cytogenetics (repetitions DNA, FISH). Intraspecific chromosomal polymorphism and chromosomal aberrations, probably caused by adverse environmental factors have been described for many kinds. Any item of information saved for many years in printed and electronic form may turn out useful for estimation of genetic variety and for applied works on the influence of the factors of an environment on the genetic machinery of mammalian species. Moreover, the databases, first of all WWW, will be constantly updated.

Research plan: approaches and methods

Traditional and molecular methods of the analysis will be used for research into mammalian chromosomes. Previous results and updates will be submitted in flat and graphic format, including on WWW servers of the Institute or SB RAS.

Expected results

For each of the investigated kinds, chromosomes will be submitted at various levels of research, a detailed description of marked intraspecific polymorphism is submitted.

List of publications of participants related to the project

  • Graphodatsky A. Conserved and variable elements of mammalian chromosomes // Cytogenetics of Animals / Ed. C.R.E.Halnan, UK, CAB International, Oxon, 1989. – P. 95-123.

  • Graphodatsky A.S., Halnan C.R.E. Appendix 1. An Atlas of selected karyotypes // Cytogenetics of Animals / Ed. C.R.E.Halnan, UK: CAB International., Oxon, 1989. –P. 321-391.

  • Ward O.G., Graphodatsky A.S., Wurster-Hill D.H., Eremina V.R., Park J.P., Yu Q. Cytogenetics of beavers: a case of monobrachial fusions // Genome. – 1991. – Vol. 34. – P. 324-328.

  • Biltueva L.S., Sharshov A.A., Graphodatsky A.S. Banding patterns of the musk ox, Ovibos moschatus, and chromosomal evolution of the Bovidae // Hereditas. – 1995. – Bd. 122. – S. 185-187.

  • Graphodatsky A.S., Beklemisheva V.R., Dolf G. The high-resolution GTG-banding patterns of dog and silver fox chromosomes: description and comparative analysis // Cytogenet. Cell Genet. – 1995. – Vol. 69. – P. 226-231.

  • Mayorov V.I., Adkison L.R., Vorobyeva N.V., Khrapov Eu.A., Kholodhov N.G., Rogozin I.B., Nesterova T.B., Protopopov A.I., Sablina O.V., Graphodatsky A.S. and Zakian S.M. Organization and chromosomal localization of a B1-like containing repeat of Microtus subarvalis // Mammalian Genome. – 1996. – Vol. 7, ą 8. – P. 593-597.

  • Rogatcheva M.B., Serdyukova N.A., Biltueva L.S., Perelman P.L., Borodin P.M., Oda S.-I., and Graphodatsky A.S. Localization genes of major rRNA to chromosomes of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus (Insectivora, Soricidae) by fluorescence in situ hybridization and AgNOR-staining // Genes Genet. Syst. – 1997. – Vol. 72. – P. 215-218.

  • Rubtsov N., Serdyukova N., Kaftanovskaya E., Yang F., Biltueva L.,Vorobieva N., Rogatcheva M. B, Oda S., Graphodatsky A.S. Visualization of the cattle Xp homologous regions on the X chromosomes of some pecorans by chromosome microdissection and heterologous painting // Cytologia. – 1997. – Vol. 62. – P. 203-208.

Fig. 1. Chromosomes of Suncus murinus (Insectivora): C-bands, polymorphism, repeat DNAs localisation.

Fig. 2. Comparative analysis of beavers chromosomes.

Fig. 3. Chromosomal localisation of repeats in the voles (Rodentia, Microtus).

Fig. 4. C-bands in carnivores (Canidae, Mustelidae).

Fig. 5. Chromosomal localisation of repeat in Canidae species.