Industrial risks and Atmospheric air quality in industrial centres

Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, SB RAS, Barnaul

Head of the Institute:

Yuri I.Vinokurov, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor
105 Papanintsev St., Barnaul, 656099, Russia
Office phone: (8-385-2) 367849

Principal researchers:

I.A.Sutorikhin, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Atmosphere Ecology Laboratory
V.V.Kirillov, Ph.D., Head of the Water Ecology Laboratory;
A.A.Ushakov, researcher

Project objectives

To study adverse effects of microelements (aerosol gaseous toxicants), high concentrations) in the surface layer of the atmosphere at industrial centres on infant morbidity.

Background and significance of objectives

Since 1992 monitoring studies on concentrations of toxic microelements (aerosol – gaseous substances) in surface atmospheric layer have been carried out in Barnaul using a mobile laboratory and fixed posts. Barnaul paediatric district sites presenting their information and databank on infant morbidity was created. It was found out that among chronic non-infectious diseases the first place belongs to diseases of the nervous system – 28.1%; then follow diseases of digestive organs – 19.2%; diseases of respiratory organs – 12.3%; diseases of urogenital and reproductive organs – 10.5%. As for pathology acquired by children the first place is taken by diseases of the nervous system (28.1%); the second – diseases of digestive organs (19.2%); diseases of respiratory organs (12.9%) and diseases of urogenital and reproductive organs (10.5%). The third place belongs to diseases of osteomuscular system and connective tissue (4.9%); cardiovascular system (4.3%); blood diseases and organs of hemopoiesis (2.9%); skin and subcutaneous fat diseases (2.6%). Then the diseases of the endocrine system and metabolism (1.3%) as well as mental disorders (1.1%) follow. The data obtained testify that infant morbidity in Barnaul depends on the industrial aerogenic load that effects as infantine morbidity spread as its structure change.

Research plan: approaches and methods

  • Method of sampling and analysis of atmospheric aerosol – gaseous samples.
  • Phytoindication of mutagenic activity of air pollutants.
  • Procedure of medical care and prophylactic medical examination.
  • Genetic monitoring of spontaneous abortions and congenital development defect.
  • Micronucleous test in exfoliative human cells to study mutagen effect.
  • Systematisation.

Expected results

It is expected that the pathogenic trend of toxic microelements effect in atmospheric aerosol can be presented as follows:

microelements of atmospheric aerosol ? total mutageneous activity ? accumulation in placental tissue under essential microelements decrease ? intoxication of fetus ? increase in spontaneous abortions number and congenital development defects ? decrease in resistance of new-borns ? increase of infant morbidity and sensitivity to meteoclimatic factors ? high infant morbidity in the zone characterised by stressed industrial load ? micronuclear level in exfoliative infant cells.

The applied estimation system is based on use of systematisation that makes it possible to establish the areas with different levels of microelement pollution of atmosphere on the territory under study; to distribute the infant contingent according to general morbidity and pathology of organs and systems; to assign pregnant women according to the level of microelements accumulation in placental tissue; to reveal pathologies distinguished by significant genetic components.

List of publications of participants related to the project

  • Monoshkina V.G., Sutorikhin I.A. Opasnaya respirabelnaya fraktsiya prizemnogo aerozolya // Optics of Atmosphere and Ocean. – 1996. – Vol. 9, ą 6. – P. 843-845.

  • Arguniva S.G., Sutorikhin I.A., Ushakov A.A. et. all. Otsenka vliyaniya micrielementnogo zagryazneniya atmosfernogo vozdukha na zdorovye naseleniya // Methodical recommendations. – Novosibirsk. NIIG MZ RF, 1996. – 18 p.

  • Gromov K.G., Sutorikhin I.A., Ushakov A.A. Analiz mikroelementnogo sostava chastits respirabelnoy fraktsii atmosfernogo aerozolya i otsenka gigienicheskoy situatsii // Atmospheric aerosols. M. NIFHI, 1996. – Vol. 2. – P. 21-27.

  • Kaplinsky A. Ye., Sutorikhin I.A. Prostranstvenno-vremennaya dinamika mikrofizicheskikh parametrov prizemnogo aerozolya Altaya // Ecological Journal of Siberia. – 1997. – Vol. IV, ą 2. – P. 135-148.

  • Argunova S.G., Sutorikhin I.A., Ushakov A.A. Mikroelementnye zagryazneniya atmosfernogo vozdukha i zdorovie detskogo naseleniya // “Pressing problems of public health” in collected articles, Novosibirsk, NIIG MZ RF publisher, 1997. – P. 36-44.

  • Alexandrov V.N., Shipunov B.P., Balandovich B.A., Sutorikhin I.A.,Shakhmatov I.I. Mediko-ekologicheskie issledovaniya “Kuchuksulfat” Ltd. // Collected articles “Ecology and human safety in Siberia”/Barnaul, ASU publisher, 1997. – P. 231-235.

  • Ushacov A.A., Sutorikhin I.A. Argunova S.G., Turbinsky V.V., Kreimer M.A. O nekotorykh rezultatakh gigienicheskogo analiza zabolevaemosti detey v Zheleznodorozhnom rayone Barnaula // Modern problems of ecology and hygieny. Collected articles. Barnaul: ASU publisher, 1997. – P. 122-123.

  • Kaplinsky A.Ye., Sutorikhin I.A., Mikushin V.V., Ushakov A.A. Atmosferny vozdukh. Atmosferny aerozol kak ekologo-gigienichesky faktor kachestva vozdushnogo basseyna // Paper “State of Altai Environment in 1996.”- Barnaul: ASU publisher, 1997. – P. 13-23.

  • Ushakov A.A., Sutorikhin I.A.,Turbinsky V.V, Kreimer M.A., Argunova S.G. Analiz vliyaniya mikroelementov atmosfernogo aerozolya na pasprostranenie khronicheskikh neinfektsionnikh bolezney sredi detskogo naseleniya Barnaula // Collected articles “Hygienic and professional-pathological problems of Siberian region”. Novokuznetsk: IKPGPB SB RAMS. – 1998. – P. 158-162.

Structure of pathology acquired by children in Zheleznodorozhny district of Barnaul city