Abstract submission

Dear collegues,

Please, register here and attach your munuscript with report application. Receipt of your abstract will be acknowledged.


Instructions to Authors

  1. Abstract must be written in English or Russian and its length should not exceed 1 page, being A4 format (210 x 297 mm). Text should be single-spaced with 3.5 cm from the left margin and 2.5 cm from other margins and justified, Times New Roman font.
  3. Separate title from names of authors by one blank line.
  4. Authors’ surnames and initials should be typed in the separate line in 12 pt, and initials should follow the family name. Reporting author must be bold and underlined.
  5. In the next line (italic, 12 pt.), the institutional affiliation(s), city, and country of authors should be given. Any changes of address may be added to the footnotes. If authors have different institutional affiliations, please, put the same superscript number for each affiliation in the same order as the names of authors are listed after initials.
  6. E-mail address of the corresponding author must be in the next line and should be indicated by an asterisk and the footnote.
  7. Separate names of authors from the text below by one blank line.
  8. The abstract (12 pt, indent of 1st line 0.7 cm) should clearly reflect the Aim of the work, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  9. And if necessary to indicate the sources of funding and references (10 pt). References in the text are numbered in square brackets consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned, beginning with number 1. The references in the reference list are numbered according to the order they appear in the text.
  10. The filename must be family name of reporting author: Petrov VN.doc


Ivanov I.A.1*, Petrov V.N.2, Sidorov N.A.1
1Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
*e-mail: ivanov@niboch.nsc.ru


1. A.Uthor, O.N.E.More. (2003) Title of the paper, Journal12: 13-16.
2. A.U.Thor et al. (2003) Title of the paper, Journal12: 13-16.
3. A.Uthor. (2003) Title of the book chapter, In: The Book, E.D.Itor et al. (Eds.), 13-16 (Publisher).

The Program Committee reserves the right to reject the abstracts that will come after the deadline or are prepared not pursuant to the rules.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed, and all the accepted abstracts after receiving of fee will be published in the Conference Proceedings and will be put on the Conference website later.