
Dear Authors! The collection of abstracts reviewed and accepted by the Programme Committee will be published as an online edition on the conference website and on www.elibrary.ru – the platform of the Scientific Electronic Library. The collection will be provided with international ISBN and doi indexes, as well as a doi for each abstract.

Language of abstracts: Russian or English.

Abstract length: 1 page.

For authors from Russian organisations: the collection of abstracts will include only those abstracts for which the authors (from Russian organisations) send the permission of the expert committee of the their organisations to publish this abstract in the collection.
Foreign participants of the conference:  if the participant submitting the abstract is an employee of a foreign organisation (i.e. there are no references to Russian organisations in the affiliations in the abstract) – then the permission of the expert committee of the author’s organisation for publication of this abstract in the collection is not required.
To the participants of the school: there is no separate collection planned within the framework of the school. School participants may submit their abstracts to the collection of conference abstracts.

Abstract submission

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 05.04.2025. Abstracts can be submitted in Russian or English, according to the authors’ choice (the abstract should be sumbitted in one of the chosen languages only). A one-page file with abstracts should be uploaded to the website via the submission form. The acceptable format is .docx. Formatting according to the template, see below; the Organising Committee reserves the right to send abstracts that are not formatted according to the template for revision. The file name should be the surname of the first author in English. Abstracts must include: title corresponding to the title of the report; initials and surnames of the authors with numerical indexes; affiliations; abstract body with sections (see below for details). The abstracts, prepared according to the template and saved in .docx format, should be attached to the abstract submission form. At the same time as the abstracts are submitted, it is necessary to upload the expert opinion on the possibility of their publication in the open press. The Organising Committee will notify the authors upon receiving the abstracts and the expert opinion.

Important! When submitting abstracts, please make sure of:

  1. Correct spelling of initials and surnames of co-authors.
  2. Correspondence of the numbering of the places of work with the numerical indexes of the surnames.
  3. The presence of the e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence; in the list of authors, their surname should be marked with an asterisk (*).
  4. Correctness of the number of grants or state budget projects in the section ‘Funding’.

Once the abstracts have been reviewed by the Programme Committee, no changes will be accepted or made by the authors; no proofreading will be sent.

Structure of abstracts

– The names of the authors appear on a separate line, separated by a comma: first initial, then last name. Indices of affiliation are given as superscript numbers after the surnames, without spaces. The surname of the author responsible for correspondence is indicated by an asterisk (*), without a space or comma separating it from the superscript.

– Affiliations (names of organisations – places of work of the authors) and the address, separated by a comma, should be given in the order of the numerical index of the authors’ surnames, without punctuation marks at the end of each line.

– The e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence should be given on a separate line, under an asterisk (*).

– The doi index is already written in the template, please keep this line intact. After publication of the proceedings on the conference website, the doi of each paper will be registered in Crossref.

– The main text, divided into sections should be consistent with the following structure: aim of the study, materials and methods, results, conclusions. The titles of the sections are in italics. Each section should begin with a new paragraph, without paragraph indent.

– The Funding section should be on a new line. The RSF grant number should be accompanied by a link to the web resource.

Applying styles (formatting according to a template)

Download the required template and work from that document:

PlantGen2025_Template_rus – for abstracts submitted in Russian,
PlantGen2025_Template_en – for abstracts submitted in English.

You can type your own text on top of the text provided in the template, in which case the correct style will already be prescribed.
You can copy a paragraph from your own document and paste it into the template as unformatted text: Insert / Special Paste / Paste as Plain Text; in this case, the correct style will be specified.
You can copy a paragraph from your document and paste it into the template, then select the paragraph. On the Home tab, in the Styles panel, specify, for example, #001-Header-Conference-ICG if it is a heading.

Styles applied to the template:





Text formatting

Basic text (all parameters are set in the template) – Times New Roman, black, size 10, single line spacing, width alignment, automatic hyphenation, no paragraph indentations, margins: top – 3 cm, bottom, left, right – 2.5 cm on each side. Format – 21.0 × 29.7 cm (one A4 page). It is not allowed to emphasise separate parts of the text in bold, except for the title, or in italics, except for Latin: in vivo, ex situ, etc., genus and species names, as well as names and symbols of genes. The maximum length of the text, including metadata and main text, is 5200 characters including spaces for abstracts submitted in Russian and 5800 characters including spaces for abstracts submitted in English. If you illustrate the text with figures and/or tables, you should reduce the number of characters so that the text with illustrations remains within the specified working margin and does not exceed one page. It is not allowed to change the size of the margins, the font, the font size or the line spacing. Figures should be placed without flowing around the text.