For foreign participants, payment of the organisational fee:
- For in-person participation will be made on arrival at the registration desk on the first day of the conference (the organising fee amounts are given below);
- For remote participation (online oral presentation and / or publication in the abstract collection) – the form of payment will be negotiated with the Organising Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Categories of registration fees:
- “Standard” package (for all researchers and staff) – 8000 rub.
- Package ‘Students / Postgraduates’ (upon presentation of a supporting document) — 5000 rub.
- “Remote participation” and “In Absentia” package – 3500 rub.
- Package “Accompanying person” – 3000 rub.
- Participation in PlantGen School 2025 is paid separately from participation in the conference. The cost of participation in the school – package “School participant” – 3000 rub.
The packages ‘Standard’ (8000 rub.) and ‘Student / Postgraduate’ (5000 rub.) include:
• Publication of an abstract in the conference abstract collection; Opportunity to present an oral or poster presentation (according to the decision of the programme committee); Participation in all scientific events of the conference; Welcome buffet; Coffee breaks; Participant kit with folder, notebook, pen, badge, conference program; Excursion program in Novosibirsk; Certificate of participation.
The “Remate participation” package (3500 rub.) includes:
• Access to the online broadcast of all sessions; oral presentation (online) or poster presentation (in the electronic poster session) (according to the decision of the programme committee); publication of the abstract in the conference abstract collection; certificate of participation.
“In Absentia” Participation package (3500 rub.) includes:
• Access to the online broadcast of all sessions, publication of the abstract in the conference abstract collection, certificate of participation
The “Accompanying person” package (3000 p.)* includes:
• Name badge**; welcome buffet; excursion program in Novosibirsk; hotel accommodation at preferential rates for conference participants.
* Accompanying persons include family members of official conference participants. Accompanying persons do not include work colleagues.
** for the access to the buffet dinner and the participation in the excursion program in Novosibirsk.
The ‘School Participant’ package (3000 rub.) includes:
• Publication of an abstract in the collection of conference abstracts (in a separate section); Participation in all activities of the school (lectures, workshops and the first plenary day of the conference); Coffee breaks; Participant kit with folder, notebook, pen, badge, school programme; Certificate of participation.
Representatives of commercial companies will attend the conference under the same conditions as other participants (with independent choice of participation category).
Not included in the registration fee, to be paid separately:
• Accommodation in hotels and hostels.
• Post-conference tour to Altai (6–11 July 2025 года).
Please contact the Organising Committee if you have any questions about the amount of the registration fee and the terms of payment: (+ copy to