Conference Venue

In 2025 (as in 2019 and 2021), the PlantGen conference will be hosted by the co-organiser of the conference, Novosibirsk State University (NSU).

The address of the NSU location is: Russia, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Pirogov St., house No. 1.

The photo is an aerial view of the Classroom Building #1. The photo was taken in 2018. Now (2025) behind the building on the right side there is a new building with lecture halls.
The photo below is a view of NSU Classroom Building #1 from the side of Pirogov Street.The photo below shows the connection of Classroom Building #1 and the new lecture hall building.
Pictured below is the new NSU building with a science library, lecture halls and a project office.