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PROGRAM «Systems Biology and Bioinformatics», SBB’2018 27-31 August 2018, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok |
27 August, Monday (The Conference Hall, ICG SB RAS)
08:30-9:30 Registration
9:30-9:35 Opening ceremony
N.A. Kolchanov, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
9:35-10:20 Systems Biology of Cell Cycle Control, Barberis Matteo, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
10:20-11:05 Phylogenetic footprinting with intra-motif dependencies, Ivo Grosse, Halle-Wittenberg University, Halle; Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany
11:05-11:20 Coffee-break
11:20-12:05 Genetics of human diseases and Rational Drug Design, Peter Vlasov, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
12:05-12:50 FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) research data principles explained, Olga Krebs, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Metabolic Control Analysis, Hans Westerhoff, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
12:50-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 Homology modeling of proteins, Anastasia Bakullina, Novosibirsk State University, Russia, Novosibirsk
14:45-15:30 Stoichiometric models of metabolic networks, M. Zakhartsev, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany
15:30-16:15 FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) research data principles explained, Olga Krebs, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
16:15-16:30 Coffee-break
16:30-17:15 Digital Infrared Thermography as a State-of-the-Art Technology in Biomedicine, B. G. Vainer, Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
17:15-18:00 The Genomic Basis of Human Lifespan, Joshi Peter, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
18:00-18:45 Dynamic networks dealing with oxidative stress: From data and design principles to personalised therapies, Alexey Kolodkin, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
18:45-19:15 Round table “Fulbright”
19:15-21:00 Welcome party
28 August, Tuesday (The Conference Hall, ICG SB RAS)
09:00-11:00 Practical workshops 1
11:00-11:20 Coffee-break
11:20-13:00 Practical workshops 1
13:00-14.00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Practical workshops 1
16.00-16.20 Coffee-break
16.30-18.00 Practical workshops 1
29 August, Wednesday
09:00-11:00 Practical workshops 2
11:00-11:20 Coffee-break
11:20-13:00 Practical workshops 2
13:00-14.00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Practical workshops 2
16.00-16.20 Coffee-break
16.30-18.00 Practical workshops 2
30 August, Thursday
9:00-11:00 Participants presentations
11:00-11:30 Coffee-break
11:30-13.00 Participants presentations
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:00 Participants presentations
16.00-16.30 Coffee-break
16.30-18.30 Participants presentations
31st August, Thursday
9:00-11:00 Participants presentations
11:00-11:30 Coffee-break
11:30-13.00 Participants presentations
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Participants presentations
16.00-16.30 Coffee-break
16.30-17.30 Participants presentations
17.30–18.00 Closing ceremony, awards for the best young scientists reports.
Barberis Matteo, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam | Modeling cell cycle control |
Zakhartsev Maksim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås Olga Krebs, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, German |
Topological analysis of the stoichiometric models of metabolic networks |
Alexey Kolodkin, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland Olga Krebs, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, German |
Systems biology and computer modeling in personalized medicine |
Anastasia Bakulina, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia | Homology modeling of proteins |
Peter Vlasov, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria (two days) | Genetics of human diseases and Rational Drug Design |
Elena Zemlyanskaya and Ivo Grosse
Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia; Institute of Computer Science at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany |
Multiple hypothesis testing in big data analytics and the life sciences |
Zakhartsev Maksim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås Olga Krebs, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, German |
Topological analysis of the stoichiometric models of metabolic networks |
Saik Olga, Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia | Application of ANDSystem for the reconstruction and analysis of molecular-genetics networks, associated with diseases and phenotypic traits |
Boris Vainer, Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia | The excursion to Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics with practical studying of the thermal imaging method |
Anastasia Bakulina, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia | Homology modeling of proteins |
Peter Vlasov, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria (two days) | Genetics of human diseases and Rational Drug Design |
30st August, Thursday
9:00 — 9:15 | Identification of Loci Determining Resistance of Spring Barley to Spot and Net Blotch, Using Association Mapping Approach\ I V. Bykova*, S.A.Gorobets, N. M. Lashina, V. M. Efimov, O. S. Afanasenko, E. K. Khlestkina |
9:15 — 9:30 | Search for single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with accelerated senescence in OXYS rats\ V. Devyatkin, O. Redina, N. Muraleva |
9:30 — 9:45 | Design of genetic sensors to ethylene based on bioinformatics analysis of whole-genome data\ V. Dolgikh |
9:45 — 10:00 | Investigation of genetic polymorphism of Avena sativa varieties and Avena sterilis samples using SSR-markers\ N.I. Drobot |
10:00 — 10:15 | Early and late transcriptional responses to the low concentra-tion of salicylic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana L. root\ E. Elgaeva, E. Zemlyanskaya, D. Novikova, V. Mironova |
10:15 — 10:30 | The Hormonal Mechanism Of Heat Stress Effect On The Carbohydrate Metabolism In Drosophila Melanogaster Females\ M.A. Eremina, E.K. Karpova, N.E. Gruntenko |
10:30 — 10:45 | Phenotype characters statistical analysis for selection perspectives.\ T.V.*Erst1, V.K. Khlestkin1 |
10:45 — 11:00 | Identification of genes, associated with black pigmentation of seeds in cereals, based on transcriptomic analysis\ Glagoleva A.Yu., Shmakov N.A., Shoeva O. Yu., Vasiliev G.V., Shatskaya N.V., Börner A., Afonnikov D.A., Khlestkina E.K. |
11:00 — 11:30 | Coffee-break |
11:30 — 11:45 | Ecotoxicity prediction of the new imidazole liquids with a phosphorus containing anion using QSAR\ N. Gogoleva, O. Bernachuk, A. Bernachuk |
11:45 — 12:00 | A database and analytical platform for mining billions of genetic associations\ D.D.Gorev, T.I.Shashkova, E.Pakhomov, A.Torgasheva, L.Klaric, A.Severinov, S.Sharapov, D.G. Alexeev Y.S.Aulchenko |
12:00 — 12:15 | Overexpression of Gclc in the Drosophila melanogaster thorax\ Z. Guvatova1, M. Shaposhnikov, E. Lashmanova, G. Krasnov, A. Kudryavtseva , A. Moskalev |
12:15 — 12:30 | Resistivity estimation for a row of potato starches of domestic collection\ L. Gvozdeva, V. Khlestkin |
12:30 — 12:45 | Computer Analysis of Genes Expression, Involved in the Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Systems Work, in the Ventral Tegmental Brain Area of Aggressive and Non-Agressive Rats
A.O. Bragin*, A.L. Markel, R.V. Kozhemyakina, Yu.L. Orlov |
12:45 — 13:00 | Study of the effect of nanocomposites based on humic substances of different nature on the causative agent of ring rot of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus potato plants.\ O.A. Nozhkina, A. I. of Perfilyeva, I. A. of Graskova, B. G. Sukhov |
13:00 — 14:00 | Poster Session:
S.V. Gerasimova1,*, K.A. Ivanova1, E.K. Khlestkina1,2
14:00 — 15:00 | Lunch |
15:00 — 15:15 | Adaptation of the brain tumors classifier, constructed on the direct mass spectrometric profiling data, to MALDI mass spectrometry analysis\ D. Ivanov, A. Sorokin, E. Zhvansky, V. Shurkhay, S.Pekov, I.Popov, E.Nikolaev |
15:15 — 15:30 | A STUDY OF MICROBIAL SPECTRA OF SOILS POTENTIALLY RELEVANT FOR THE FORMATION OF STABLE SOIL FOCI OF ANTHRAX\ Kalinin A. V., Tsygankova O. I., Koteneva E. A., Abramovich A. V., Pechkovsky G. A. |
15:30 — 15:45 | Differences in Association of the Genes with Cognitive Function and Symptom Severity of Belarusian Schizophrenia Patients\ H. Kandratsenkan, A. Nestsiarovich, I. Goloenko, N. Danilenko, A. Makarevich, V. Obyedkov, O. Davydenko |
15:45 — 16:00 | Human blood proteins and correlations with biochemical parameters after long duration space flights\ D.N. Kashirina, L.Kh. Pastushkova, A.M. Nosovsky, A.J. Percy, K.S. Kireev, C.H. Borchers, E.N. Nikolaev, I.M. Larina |
16:00 — 16:30 | Coffee-break |
16:30 — 16:45 | The variability of the amylose / amylopectin ratio and the preparative yield of S. tuberosum tuber starch\ Y. Khoroshavin1, 2 *, V. Khlestkin1, 2 |
16:45 — 17:00 | Computer analysis of transcriptomes in glioma cells\ S.S. Kovalev, N.V. Gubanova, A.V. Tsukanov, A.O. Bragin, Y.L. Orlov |
17:00 — 17:15 | Genome-scale modeling of carbon assimilation in Geobacillus icigianus\ M.Kulyashov, I.Akberdin,A.Rozanov, S. Peltek |
17:15 — 17:30 | KINKS OF PLASMID PBR322 L.V. Yakushevich, L.A. Krasnobaeva |
17:30 — 17:45 | NGS data processing method for the mixture of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA of barley\ A. Makarevich, O. Pankratov, M. Sinyavskaya, N. Lukhanina, A.Shymkevich, A.Liaudansky, I. Goloenko, N. Danilenko, O. Davydenko |
17:45- 18:00 | Selfish elements drive mitochondrial and nuclear mammalian genome size in opposite directions\ A.A. Mikhailova, A.G. Mikhaylova, D. Knorre, I. Mazunin, A. Reymond, K. Gunbin, K. Popadin |
18:00— 18:15 | Transition transversion ratio in mtDNA is higher in long- versus short-lived mammalians: effects of ROS and replication? \ A. G. Mikhaylova, A. A. Mikhaylova, K. Ushakova, E. Tretyakov, A. Yurchenko, D. Knorre, I. Mazunin, A. Reymond, K. Gunbin, K. Popadin |
18:15 — 18:30 | Developing FoldGO, the tools for multifactorial functional enrichment analysis\ Mukhin A.M., Wiebe D.S., Grosse I., Lashin S.A., Mironova V.V. |
31st August, Friday
9:00 — 9:15 | Comparison of evolutionary rates of the regions and nucleotide substitutions in the Allium plastomes\ D.O. Omelchenko, A.A. Krinitsina, M.D. Logacheva, M.S. Belenikin, E.A. Konorov, S.V. Kuptsov, A.P. Seregin, A.S. Speranskaya |
9:15 — 9:30 | Physicochemical Properties of vlhA Promoters in Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Their Possible Regulatory Role\ M. Orlov, I. Garanina, A. Ryasik, E. Zykova, G. Fisunov, A. Sorokin |
9:30 — 9:45 | Meta-analysis Genomics and Interactomics Data of Relationship Between the Host and Bacillus Anthracis\ G.A. Pechkosvkii1, A.V. Abramovich |
9:45 — 10:00 | Transcriptomic comparative analysis of hippocampal tissue and primary cultures after hyaluronidase treatment \ V. Pershin, A. Balashova, E. Guryev, L. Kurbatov, M. Gainullin, I. Mukhina |
10:00 — 10:15 | Using molecular docking to find the inhibitor of bacterial cellulose synthesis\ I. Petrushin |
10:45 — 11:00 | The software and database for Vertebrate imperfect mtDNA repeats annotation.\ V.A. Shamanskiy, K.Yu. Popadin, K.V. Gunbin |
11:00 — 11:30 | Coffee-break |
11:30 — 11:45 | Identification of Biomarkers and Intervention Targets for Coronary Artery Disease Based on Results of Genome-Wide Association scans\ T.I. Shashkova, A.Torgasheva, D.D.Gorev, E.Pakhomov, L.Klaric, A.V. Severinov, S. Sharapov, Y.A.Tsepilov, D.G. Alexeev, J.F. Wilson, P. Joshi, Y.S.Aulchenko |
11:45 — 12:00 | Identifying parasite resistance genes in Solanum tuberosum by RNA-seq\ N. Shmakov, A. Egorova, A. Glagoleva, A. Kochetov, D. Afonnikov |
12:00 — 12:15 | The interplay of Piwi and heterochromatin proteins in transposable element silencing in the germline of Drosophila melanogaster\ Anastasia Stolyarenko, Toomas Leinsoo, Yuri Abramov, Mikhail Klenov |
12:15 — 12:30 | Regulatory genes of anthocyanins biosynthesis in the barley grain \ K.V. Strygina, E.K. Khlestkina |
12:30 — 12:45 | Bioinformatics Study of Genes Expression in Rat Brain Areas by RT-PCR and their Role in Behavior\ K.A. Tabanyuhov, I.V. Chadaeva, A.O. Bragin, Y.L. Orlov |
12:45 — 13:00 | Gene Expression of Egr1, Gabrd, Zic2 and Shank3 Related to Aggressive Behavior on Rat Model\ K.A. Tabanyuhov, I.V. Chadaeva, A.O. Bragin, R.V. Kozhemyakina, A.V. Tsukanov, Y.L. Orlov |
13:00 — 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 — 14:15 | The reasons for mtDNA structural instability: evolutionary physico-chemical retrospective.\ V.N. Timonina, D.A. Knorre, K.Yu. Popadin, K.V. Gunbin |
14:15 — 14:30 | Overexpression of whiA in Mycoplasma gallisepticum\ E. Tsoy, D. Evsyutina, G. Fisunov |
14:30 — 14:45 | Bioinformatics Tools for 3D Chromosome Contacts Analysis\ A.V. Tsukanov, A.O. Bragin, O. Thierry, Y.L. Orlov |
14:45 — 15:00 | Meta-analysis of whole-transcriptome data suggests new mechanisms of auxin-induced ethylene biosynthesis and sig-naling in Arabidopsis thaliana\ E. Ubogoeva |
15:00 — 15:15 | Variability in Gibbs energy of tRNA molecules in mitochondrial genomes of Chordates: neutral selection or evolution towards optimization of translation?\ K. Ushakova, A. A. Mikhaylova, A. G. Mikhaylova, D. Knorre, I. Mazunin, A. Reymond, K. Gunbin, K. Popadin |
15:15 — 15:30 | Research of molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of depression: bioinformatical analysis of transcriptomic data.\ I.N. Vlasov1*, E.A. Bondarenko1, M.I. Shadrina1, P.A. Slominskiy1 |
15:30 — 15:45 | Analysis of the molecular mechanisms of Pinus sylvestris and Hordeum vulgare adaptation to the action of low doses of ionizing radiation\ P. Volkova, G. Duarte, E. Kazakova |
15:45 — 16:00 | Detection of pathogenic mutations in patients with non-coronary heart diseases by targeted NGS\ D. Yermakovich, L. Sivitskaya, T. Vaikhanskaya, A. Liaudanski, N. Danilenko |
16:00 — 16:15 | Systems analysis of the genes responding to chilling stress in Arabidopsis thaliana L.\ A. Zlobin, N. Omelyanchuk, V. Mironova |
16:15 — 16:45 | Coffee-break |
16:45 — 17:15 | Closing ceremony and Awards of best reports |