INSTITUTE OF CYTOLOGY AND GENETICS, The Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
European Community (Grant Agreement ICA2-CT-2000-60003) |
Ministry of industry, science and technologies of the Russian Federation |
- Concept
- Announcement
- Key Dates
- Program committee
- Organizing Committee
- Participants list
- Reports list
- Sponsors
- Call for sponsors
- Call for abstracts, abstract book
- Registration fee
- Location
- Travel information
- Information for participants of the poster session
- Schedule of conference
- Schedule of workshop
- Section Databases and GIS Technologies
- Section Forest Ecosystems
- Section Soil Ecosystems
- Section Water Ecosystems
- Section Human Genome Diversity
- Section Diversity of the Fauna
- Section Diversity of the Vegetation
- Section Evolution of Species and Ecosystems: Theoretical Analysis and Computer-Assisted Modeling
- Section Genetic Bases of Biodiversity
- Altai postworkshop tours
- Registration form
- Animal and plant diversity and ecology in Siberia
- BDENE-2000