Форма регистрации

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2006

Registration form for citizens of NIS (New Independent States, former Soviet Union), who do not need a visa to enter Russia

Dr Mr Ms
Surname *
First name *
Second name *
Organization *
Working address *
Town/City *
Post/Zip Code
Country *
Phone (with code)
Email *

I would like to present

 Oral  Poster presentation



 I would like to submit my presentation to the BGRS’2006 conference (see instructions)

Hotel accomodation.
Type of a room required:

I don’t need a hotel accomodation

One-room suite (1400 rubles per night),

One-room semi suite (990 rubles per night),

One-room single (650 rubles per night),

One-room double (1100/550 rubles per night).

University campus accommodation

Hostel of the Hotel type (225 roubles)

Hostel (150 roubles).

I would like to share my hotel accommodation with

Planned arrival date

Planned departure date