Abstracts should be sent to the Organizing Committee from December 1, 2017 to April 20, 2018.
Abstracts will be published in a special issue of the «Genes&Cells» journal
Recommendations for abstract preparation
Text should be typed in Times New Roman, size 14,
line-to- line spacing – 1.5, words without hyphenation.
The top, bottom, and right margins – 20 mm, the left margin – 30 mm.
The text should be justified.
Abstracts should contain the following obligatory sections:
- Authors’ names,
- Title,
- Affiliations,
- E-mail,
- Introduction,
- Materials and Methods,
- Results,
- Discussion,
- Conclusions,
- References.
If authors work in different institutions, all affiliations should be listed and numbered.
Numeration should be started from the first author.
Abstract should not exceed 5 000 symbols.