Prof. Dr. Eugene Korotkov

Centre for Bioengineering RAS, Moscow
Prof. Dr. Eugene Korotkov



Eugene Vadimovitch Korotkov


31 July 1951, Moscow, USSR

Russian Federation


Moscow Physical Engineering Institute, Faculty
Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Radiation physics
MS 1974
Moscow Physical Engineering Institute, Faculty
Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Radiation biology
(Research Advisors: Prof. A.P.Akifiev)
Ph.D 1981
N.N.Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics,
Russian Academy of Sciences
Dr.Sci. 1993


Professor of Moscow Physical Engineering Institute,
Department of Cybernetics,
Computational Biology
Leadering scientist, professor
Centre “Bioengineering “Ruassian Academy of Sciences
Senior scientist, Head of scientific group,
N.N. Semenov
Institute of Chemical Physics
Russian Academy of Sciences
Jonior scientist
N.N. Semenov
Institute of Chemical Physics
Russian Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. student,
Moscow Physical Engineering Institute,
Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
Special Student,
Moscow Physical Engineering Institute,
Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics


Visiting Fellow of the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, PR1 2HE, UK 1996-1999
Stipendia of the President of Russian Federation for Famous Scientists 1997-2000


Russian Fond of Basic Research
(8 grants in this period)
UK Royal Society 1996
International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) 2000-2004
Russian Human Genome Project 1998-2000
Ministry of Science of Russian Federation 2003-2005
Russian Academy of Sciences 2004-2008


Native Language: Russian


Student course: “Structure of the DNA sequences and genetic processes”, (16 lectures) 1993-pr
Student course: “Computer analysis of the genetic texts”, (16 lectures) 1993-pr
more 20 lectures in the different Russian Scientific Institutes, Lancashire University, Berkly Centre, Biocomputing group of CIRB/Dept of Biology (Italy), Latrobe University (Melburn), Fox Chase Cancer Center (USA) 1991-pr

Scientific Conferences:

more 30 International conferences 1991-pr

Included in the Books:

Who is Who in the World;
Dictionary of International Biography. Twenty-Eight English Edition.

Music, sport, computers.

List of main publications:

  1. E.V.Korotkov, A.F.Stepenenko, V.N.Lysthov “Influence of oxygen and pH medium on gamma-radiolysis of the thimine and adenine”, Radiobiology, V.XYII, P.284-287, 1977.
  2. E.V.Korotkov, E.K.Chandogina, V.I.Ivanov, A.P.Akifiev “Microdozimetric analysis of creation of chromosomal dicentrics after gamma-irradiation of the pherical lymphocites of the people with genetical deseases”, Radiobilolgy, V.XIX, P.194-198, 1979.
  3. E.V.Korotkov, A.V.Orechov “Quantitative description of processes of chromosomal aberration creation. Model of sticky ends. I. Low LET radiation”, Radiobiology, V.XIX, P.19-25, 1979.
  4. E.V.Korotkov, O.E.Petrov, A.I.Bochonko, A.P.Akifiev “Noninducible location DNA synthesis in G1 phase of cell cycle and its relation with chromosomal aberrations”, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, V.252, P.475-478, 1980.
  5. E.V.Korotkov, A.P.Akifiev, V.I.Ivanov “Influence of pretreatment of 5-ftor-2-deoxyuridine (FUdR) on gamma-inducible aberrations in G1 phase in human lymphocytes”, Radiobiology, V.XX, P.592-595, 1980.
  6. E.V.Korotkov,N.V.Pronina, D.L.Lasckova, G.R.Mytovin, A.P.Akifiev, K.E.Kryrlyakova, N.M.Emanyel “Human DNA secondary structure defects in human deseases with defects of reparation systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, V.271, P.1250-1253, 1983.
  7. E.V.Korotkov, M.A.Korotkova “Regions with nonaccidental distribution of nucleotides in human Alu repeats”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk of SSSR, V.274, P.748-750, 1984.
  8. P.Ya.Boykov, D.L.Lachkova, E.V.Korotkov, O.E.Petrov, K.E.Kryglyakova, A.A.Maksimovich “The study of the DNA and chromatin structure in the fish (gorbusha) cells under sexsual migration”, Tchitilogy, V.XXYI, N.6, P.652-659, 1984.
  9. E.V.Korotkov “Interrelation sequences between Alu, HINDIII of the human genome repeats”, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR, V.279, P.1252-1254, 1984.
  10. E.V.Korotkov E.V., Korotkova M.A. “Inverted relation sequences between Alu, HINDIII and KpnI human repeats”, Dokl. Akad.Nauk SSSR, V.280, P.1472-1475.
  11. E.V.Korotkov, M.A.Korotkova “Analysis of human DNA sequences, containing the Alu repeats”, Dokl. Akad. Nayk SSSR, V.288, P.1014-1017, 1986.
  12. E.V.Korotkov “Images of human Alu repeats in clones of human genomes”, Molec.Biol (USSR), V.21, P.478-483, 1987.
  13. E.V.Korotkov, E.F.Mamaeva “ID-like sequences in clones from some species”, Molec. Biol. (USSR), V.23, P.1113-1123, 1989.
  14. E.V.Korotkov “Family of mirror B1-like sequences in human genome”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, V.311, P.238-242, 1990.
  15. E.V.Korotkov “Alu-like sequences in replication origin of P15A and R6K plazmids”, Izvestia Akad. Nayk SSSR, biological seria, N.3, P.258-265, 1990.
  16. E.V.Korotkov “New family wide spread mirror-reflected MB1 repeats in human genome”, Molec.Biol. (USSR), V.25, P.250-263, 1991.
  17. M.B.Chaley E.V.Korotkov “Global classification of genes t-RNA from many species”, IzV., Akad. Nayk SSSR, biological seria, N.6, P.915-927, 1991.
  18. E.V.Korotkov “MB1 family repeats in genomes of many mammals”, Izvestia of Akad. Sci. of USA, Seria Biology, No.4, P.546-557, 1992.
  19. Korotkov E.V. “Fast method of homology and purine pyrimidine mutual relations between DNA sequences search” DNA Sequence V.4, 413-415, 1994
  20. Korotkov E.V. and Korotkova M.A. “DNA regions with latent periodicity in some human clones”, DNA Sequence, V.5, pp.353-358, 1995.
  21. Korotkov E.V., Korotkova M.A.”Enlarged similarity of nucleic acids sequences”, DNA Research, v.3, N.3, pp.157-164, 1996.
  22. Phoenix DA, Korotkov E. “Identification and interpretation of latent periodicity within DNA sequences.” Biochem Soc Trans. 1996 Aug;24(3):422S.
  23. Korotkov E.V., Korotkova M.A., Tulko J.S. ” Latent sequence perio- dicity of some oncogenes and DNA-binding protein genes”, CABIOS,v.13, pp.37-44, 1997
  24. Tulko JS, Korotkov EV, Phoenix DA.”MIRs are present in coding regions of human genes.” DNA Seq. 1997;8(1-2):31-8.
  25. Phoenix.D.A. and Korotkov E.V. ” Evidence of rare codon clusters within E.coli coding regions”, FEMS Microbiology Letters, v.155, pp.63-66, 1997.
  26. Korotkova M.A., Korotkov E.V. and RudenkoV.M. “Latent periodicity of protein Sequences”, Journal of Molecular Modelling, v.5, pp.103-115, 1999.
  27. Korotkov E.V., Korotkova M.A., Rudenko V.M. and Skryabin K.G., “Latent periodicity of the protein sequences” Molecularnya Biologya (Russian), v.33, pp.611-617,1999.
  28. Chaley M.B., Korotkov E.V. and Skryabin K.G. “Method reavealing latent periodicity of the nucleotide sequences modified for a case of small samples” DNA Research, 6, 153-163, 1999.
  29. Chaley M.B., Korotkov E.V. and Phoenix D.A. ” Relationships Among isoacceptor tRNAs seems to support the coevolution theory of the origin of the genetic code.” J.Mol.Evolution 48, 168-177,1999.
  30. Korotkov E.V. and Korotkova M.A. “MIRs: family repeats that is common for many vertebrates”. Mol.Biol. (Russian) v.34.,348-353, 2000.
  31. Korotkov E.V. and Korotkova M.A. “Study of the presence MIRs in the human 22 chromosome”. Mol.Biol (Russian), v.34,376-382,2001
  32. Chaley M.B., Korotkov E.V. “Evolution of MIR elements located in the coding regions of human genome”, Mol. Biol. (Russian), v.35, 874-882, 2001.
  33. Korotkov EV, Korotkova MA, Kudryshov NA Information decomposition method for analysis of symbolical sequences. Physical Letters A, v.312, 198-210, 2003.
  34. Korotkov EV, Korotkova MA, Kudryshov NA “Information approach for search of hidden periodicity of symbolical sequences” Molek. Biol (Russian) v.37, 436-451, 2003.
  35. Laskin AA, Chaley MB, Korotkov EV, Kudryshov NA “Identification of NAD+ sites in amino acid sequences of the different proteins”, Molek. Biol (Russian) v.37, 663-674, 2003.
  36. Chaley M.B., Korotkov E.V., Kudryashov N.A. Latent Periodicity of 21 bases Typical for MCP II Gene is Widely Present in Various Bacterial Genes.// DNA Sequence, v.14, 37-52,2003.
  37. Kossenkov A, Manion FJ, Korotkov E, Moloshok TD, Ochs MF. ASAP: automated sequence annotation pipeline for web-based updating of sequence information with a local dynamic database. Bioinformatics. v.19, p.675-676, 2003.
  38. Korotkov EV, Korotkova MA, Kudryashov NA Information decomposition of symbolical texts. Los-Alamos Arxiv, N.0302195, 2003.
  39. Frenkel F.E., Chaley M.B., Korotkov E.V., Skryabin K.G. “Evolution of the tRNA-like sequences and genome variability” Gene, v.335C: 57-71, 2004.
  40. Tsygankova S.V., Boulygina E.S., Kuznetsov B.B., S. S. Khabibulin, E. V. Doroshenko, E.V. Korotkov, and G. I. El’-Registan p. Obtaining of Intrapopulational Dissociants of Some Bacilli and the Use of DIR-PCR for Their Identification Microbiology (Russian), v.73, N.3, pp.334-340, 2004
  41. Laskin A.A, Kudryashov N.A., Skryabin K.G., Korotkov E.V. “Latent periodicity of serine-threonine and tyrosine protein kinases and another protein families.”; q-bio.BM/0409008, 2004.
  42. Korotkov E.V. Enzyme as a thermal resonance pump.; q-bio.BM/0409009, 2004.
  43. Laskin AA, Kudryshov NA, Korotkov EV “Noise decomposition method and its application for search of latent periodicity in protein kinases”, Molecular Biology, (Russian), N3, 420-436. 2005.
  44. Tsygankova S.V., Ignatov A.N., Boulygina E.S., Kuznetsov B.B., Korotkov E.V. “Genetic relationships among strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris revealed by novel rep-PCR primers?” European Journal of Plant Pathology, 110, 845-853, 2004.
  45. Laskin AA, Kudryashov NA, Skryabin KG, Korotkov EV. Latent periodicity of serine-threonine and tyrosine protein kinases and other protein families. Comput Biol Chem. 2005 29(3):229-243
  46. Turutina VP, Laskin AA, Skryabin K.G., Kudryashov N.A. and Korotkov EV, “Latent periodicity of many protein families”, Biochemistry, 2006, 71, 18-31.
  47. Turutina VP, Laskin AA, Skryabin K.G., Kudryashov N.A. and Korotkov EV, “Latent periodicity of 94 protein families”, J. Compt. Biol. V.13, 946-964, 2006.


  1. A.I.Potapenko, E.V.Korotkov “Chromosomal mytagenesis, aging and evolution” in book “Sensitivity of organisms to mytagenic factors and origin of mytations”, Vilnius University Press, Part III, pp.97-101, 1977.
  2. E.V.Korotkov, A.V.Orechov, A.P.Akifiev “Chromosomal exchange aberrations and microdozimetric problems” in book “Micridozimetric questions and the radiation defence”, Atomizdat (Nuclear Press), v.19, pp.80-85, 1980.
  3. A.P.Akifiev, E.V.Korotkov, A.I.Potapenko “Chromosomal aberration is result of noncanonical reparation of eukariotic DNA”, in book “Sensitivity of organisms to mytagenic factors and origin of mutation”, Vilnius University Press, pp.45-46, 1980.
  4. A.P.Akifiev, E.V.Korotkov, A.I.Potapenko, N.V.Pronina “Kinetic formaldechide method as test for determination of group of the high risk for cancer deseases” in book ” Biochemical determination of the patological processes in clinic and in experiment” Second Medical Moscow Institute Press, pp..88-89, 1983.
  5. Investigation of the kinetico-phormaldehide method of the DNA secondary structure from lymphocytes of pheriferical blood” in book ” Biochemical determination of the patological processes in clinic and in experiment”, Second Medical Moscow Institute Press, P.67-70, 1983.
  6. E.V.Korotkov “Family of mirror-reflected B1-like sequences in human genome” in book “Molecular mechanisms of genetics processes”, P.25-30, 1991, Moscow, “Nauka” press.
  7. E.V.Korotkov, Korotkova M.A. “Enlarged similarity of DNA sequences”, Preprint Moscow Physical Engineering Institute, No.12-93, 32 pages, 1993.
  8. Dolgunova S.I., Naumov N.A., Chaley M.B. “Model of programmed classificator of DNA sequences for personal computer”, Preprint Institute of Applied Mathematics, No.84, 32 pages, 1993.
  9. Korotkov EV, Phoenix DA. “Latent periodicity of DNA sequences of many genes”. Pac Symp Biocomput. 1997, pp.222-231.
  10. Chaley MB, Korotkov EV. “The generalization method of relationships among nucleotide sequences reveals an order in assimilation of amino acid codons during the isoacceptor tRNAs evolution.” Pac Symp Biocomput. 1997, pp.74-84.
  11. Frenkel F.E., Chaley M.B., Korotkov E.V., Skryabin K.G. Revealing and functional analysis of tRNA0like sequences in various genomes. pp.39-46. in “BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE”, N.Kolchanov and R.Hofestaedt ed’s, Kluwer press, 2004
  12. Laskin A.A., Korotkov E.V., Kudryashov N.A. “Latent periodicity of many domains in rotein sequences reflects their structure, function and evolution”. pp. 135-144, in “BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE”, N.Kolchanov and R.Hofestaedt ed’s, Kluwer press, 2004
  13. Shelenkov A.A., Chaley M.B., Skryabin K.G., Korotkov E.V. Revelation and classification of dinucleotide periodicity of bacterial genomes using the method of information decomposition. // In: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II. (Eds. N.Kolchanov, R. Hofestaedt, L. Milanesi) Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006, pp. 179-188.
  14. Turutina V.P, Laskin A.A., Kudryshov N.A., Skryabin K.G. A periodic nature of many protein families.. // In: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II. (Eds. N.Kolchanov, R. Hofestaedt, L. Milanesi) Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006, pp. 285-296.

Research activity:

My scientific interests in Bioinformatics are:

  1. Developing of mathematical methods and algorithms for DNA and amino sequences comparison;
  2. Investigation of latent periodicity of DNA and protein sequences;
  3. Creation of artificial proteins and enzymes of nonportein nature;
  4. Investigation of chromosome structure on level of DNA sequences;
  5. Developing of new PCR markers. Search of DNA sequence regions with high level of polymorphism;
  6. developing mathematical methods for protein and DNA biological function annotations;
  7. Devoloping new commercial data bank for DNA and amino acid sequences with latent periodicity periodicity.

Non bioinformatics work:

  1. Analysis of periodicity of time series (financial, physical time) and developing commercail programs for prediction of financial time series.
  2. Analysis of periodicity of linguistic texts and creation commercial program for PR.

Teaching activety:

  1. Lectures in MEPHI (DNA and amino acid sequences organization, Bioinfromatics).
  2. Work with students in Dept. of Applied of Mathematics (diploma investigations). 2-4 students each year.
  3. Ph.D students – now I have 2 Ph.D.students.

Last activety:

  1. Radiobiology
  2. Radiation physics