
  1. High-performance and distributed computations in computer systemic biology and biomedicine;
  2. Methods for intellectual data analysis in natural sciences.
  3. Mathematical problems of living systems modeling: direct and inverse problems.
  4. Mathematical modeling of gene and metabolic networks.
  5. Mathematical modeling in biomedicine.
  6. Mathematical modeling of biostructure and dynamics of biopolymers.
  7. Neuromathematics.
  8. Modeling of DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions with methods of molecular dynamics.
  9. Software for bioinformatics and biomedicine.
  10. Modeling of pharmocinetic processes in organism. Numerical methods for direct and inverse problems of pharmocinetic.
  11. Mathematical models of immune processes. Direct and inverse problems of immunology.
  12. Investigation and description phase-space configurations of nonlinear dynamic models of gene-networks operation. Periodic modes identification.