Bulavin I.V.; Ivanova N.N.; Mitrofanova I.V.
Federal State Funded Institution of Science “The Labor Red Banner Order Nikita Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the RAS”
Hyssopus L. is a small Mediterranean genus of perennial undershrubs are utilized as aromatic and medicinal plants. Traditionally, hyssop plants are propagated by seeds, however this method has some limitation for perspective forms and cultivars. Today, biotechnological methods are important for mass multiplication and conservation of the valuable forms obtained by selection breeding. At the same time a growth regulator effect on the plant material in vitro, especially on genetic stability is discussed.
The objective of our investigation was: 1) to develop the direct in vitro regeneration and 2) to determine the genetic fidelity of plants obtained in vitro.
Our results showed that in vitro regeneration of H. officinalis cv. Nikitskiy Beliy from shoot single-node segments on modified MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BAP and 0.1 mg/L IBA gave regenerants/clones with normal morphology, genetically identical to mother plants ex situ that is very important for the future application of biotechnological method for mass propagation of valuable genotypes, cultivars and plant breeding forms.Bulavin-et-al._PlantGen2021_1
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