Author Archives: morkovina

The homologue of the agrobacterial gene of cucumopine synthase is expressed in naturally transgenic peanuts.

Bemova V.D., Matveeva T.V. The N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), St. Petersburg State University   The genomes of several species of the genus Arachis, contain homologues of agrobacterial cucumopine synthase (cus) and synthase of deoxyfructosylglutamine (mas2`) … Continue reading

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи The homologue of the agrobacterial gene of cucumopine synthase is expressed in naturally transgenic peanuts. отключены

Markers of somatic embryogenesis of Pinaceae species in in vitro culture (cytohistological, physiological and molecular genetic)

Tretyakova Iraida Nikolaevna; Park Maria Eduardovna V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS» Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Akademgorodok, 50, bld. 28, Russian Federation Somatic embryogenesis in … Continue reading

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Markers of somatic embryogenesis of Pinaceae species in in vitro culture (cytohistological, physiological and molecular genetic) отключены

Plant virus genome studies using novel databases and bioinformatics tools for text compression and entropy

Ignatov A.N.; Orlov Y.L.; Luzin A.N.; Pakina E.N.; Dobrovolskaya O.B. RUDN University, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, RUDN University, Moscow; RUDN University), Moscow Systems biology approach for analysis of the … Continue reading

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Plant virus genome studies using novel databases and bioinformatics tools for text compression and entropy отключены

Protein structure and function analysis for plant stress tolerance on BTB/POZ genes

Anashkina A.A., Luzin A.N., Kulikova D.K., Dergilev A.I., Orlov Y.L. Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RAS, Moscow, Russia Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Protein structure and function analysis for plant stress tolerance on BTB/POZ genes отключены

Diseases of Miscanthus rhizome: hidden threat for the development of biomass cultivations

Kapustyanchik S.Yu; Orlova E.A. Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding – the branch of the Federal Research Center the Institution of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Diseases of Miscanthus rhizome: hidden threat for the development of biomass cultivations отключены

WOX family genes in somatic embryogenesis

Krasnoperova E. Y.; Tvorogova V. E.; Lutova L. A. SPBU The poster shows the effect of MtWOX2 overexpression on somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula via study of differential gene expression in transgenic calli, and the comparison with MtWOX9-1 overexpression experiment.

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи WOX family genes in somatic embryogenesis отключены

Study of the role of the MtWOX9-1 gene in the somatic embryogenesis in legumes

Baltin S. M., Tvorogova V. E., Lutova L. A. СПбГУ Study MtWOX9-1 gene that stimulates somatic embryogenesis. 1) Analysis of the effect of loss of MtWOX9-1 function on the ability for somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula: obtaining plants with loss … Continue reading

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Study of the role of the MtWOX9-1 gene in the somatic embryogenesis in legumes отключены

Statistical estimates of the transcription factor binding sites cluster in Arabidopsis and distant plant species genomes

Orlov Y.L., Dergilev A.I., Dobrovolskaya O.B. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia; Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia; Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Statistical estimates of the transcription factor binding sites cluster in Arabidopsis and distant plant species genomes отключены

Phytochrome A and phytochrome B regulate the biosynthesis of chlorophyll during cytokinin-dependent de-etiolation of A. thaliana

Malyukova A.M.(1,2); Doroshenko A.S.(1); Danilova M.N.(1) (1) Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology, RAS, Moscow, Russia; (2) Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Seedling greening during de-etiolation is caused by light-dependent chlorophyll biosynthesis and development of photosyntheticly active chloroplasts. Light and cytokinin … Continue reading

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи Phytochrome A and phytochrome B regulate the biosynthesis of chlorophyll during cytokinin-dependent de-etiolation of A. thaliana отключены

CLE genes regulating symbiotic nodule development in Pisum sativum

Sadikova D.S.; Lebedeva M.A.; Lutova L.A. Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia «Legumes are able to enter into symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria rhizobia to build the root nodules. Symbiotic nodules provide transfer of nitrogen from rhizobia, necessary to support … Continue reading

Posted in Без рубрики | Комментарии к записи CLE genes regulating symbiotic nodule development in Pisum sativum отключены