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Category Archives: Без рубрики
Tomato plants carring pph6 gene for phytoremediation
Vershinina Z.R. Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics — Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vector constructs for the transformation of plants with the pph6 pseudophytochelatin genе were obtained and later used to obtain … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи Tomato plants carring pph6 gene for phytoremediation отключены
Transcriptomic analysis of flowering-time genes in wild and cultivated chickpea
Gretsova M.; Surkova S.; Kanapin A.; Samsonova A.; Scherbakov A.; Logacheva M.; Nuzhdin S.; Samsonova M. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia; All-Russia research Institute for Agricultural Microbiology, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia; Skolkovo Institute of Science … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи Transcriptomic analysis of flowering-time genes in wild and cultivated chickpea отключены
Site-directed mutagenesis of maize elite germplasm through pollination by cas9/gRNA-transgenic, haploidy-inducing lines
Diaa Eldin S. Daghma, Mukhammadjon Mirzakhmrdov, Sindy Chamas, Susanne Knüpfer, Heike Büchner, Pooja Satpathy and Jochen Kumlehn Plant Reproductive Biology, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research To fully exploit the immense potential of genome editing for plant … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи Site-directed mutagenesis of maize elite germplasm through pollination by cas9/gRNA-transgenic, haploidy-inducing lines отключены
Influence of an introgression from Triticum timopheevii into chromosome 5A of bread wheat cultivars Saratovskaya 29 and Diamant 2 on agronomical, physiological and biochemical parameters under contrasting irrigation conditions.
Alexander Vladimirovich Simonov; Smirnova Olga Grigorievna; Permyakov Alexey Viktorovich; Permyakova Marina Diomidovna; Osipova Svetlana Vladimirovna; Pshenichnikova Tatiana Alekseevna ICG SB RAS; ICG SB RAS; SIFIBER SB RAS; SIFIBER SB RAS; SIFIBER SB RAS; ICG SB RAS
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Комментарии к записи Influence of an introgression from Triticum timopheevii into chromosome 5A of bread wheat cultivars Saratovskaya 29 and Diamant 2 on agronomical, physiological and biochemical parameters under contrasting irrigation conditions. отключены
The influence of combinations of alien translocations on in vitro androgenesis in lines of spring common wheat
Timonova E.M.; Adonina I.G.; Salina E.A. Kurchatov Genomic Center, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia This work examines the results of studying anther culture of T. aestivum variety Novosibirskaya 16, line 991 carrying wheat-alien translocations 1RS.1BL from … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи The influence of combinations of alien translocations on in vitro androgenesis in lines of spring common wheat отключены
The effect of salt stress on the expression of the brassinosteroid biosynthesis genes
Murgan Olga Konstantinovna; Efimova Marina Vasil’evna Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation We showed the effect of several concentrations of sodium chloride (50 and 200 mM) on the level of genes expression for the brassinosteroid biosynthesis (CYP450 90A1, CYP450 85A1, … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи The effect of salt stress on the expression of the brassinosteroid biosynthesis genes отключены
GWAS between flax accessions and agronomically important phenotypic traits
A. Sokolkova; T. Rozhmina; A. Kanapin; A. Samsonova; S. Surkova; M. Bankin; M. Samsonova Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia; Federal Research Centre for Bast Fiber Crops, Torzhok, Russia; Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи GWAS between flax accessions and agronomically important phenotypic traits отключены
Optimization of cultural conditions for in vitro regeneration of wild potato species
Koloshina K.A.; Egorova A.A.;Chalaya N.A.; Rogozina E.V.; Gerasimova S.V. Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, St. Petersburg, Russia The poster describes a method for regenerating wild potato species on … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи Optimization of cultural conditions for in vitro regeneration of wild potato species отключены
Non-phosphorylating alternative respiratory pathways are involved in an increase of wheat resistance to heat stress
Fedotova O.A.1, Polyakova E.A.*1,2, Grabelnykh O.I1,2 1Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia; 2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia This work is aimed at studying the non-phosphorylating alternative pathways (alternative cyanide-resistant oxidase (AOX) and type II NAD(P)H … Continue reading
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Комментарии к записи Non-phosphorylating alternative respiratory pathways are involved in an increase of wheat resistance to heat stress отключены
Spring wheat varieties resistance to the common root rot
Sukhomlinov V.Yu., Toropova Elena Yu. FSBE NSAU, SibRIPP&B – Brunch of ICG SB RAS., FSBE NSAU, FSBSI All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology The poster provides information on the study of the resistance of 15 varieties to common root rot
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Комментарии к записи Spring wheat varieties resistance to the common root rot отключены