Краткое расписание конференции размещено по данной ссылке
Уважаемые участники, обращаем внимание, что время в программе указано местное (Новосибирское). Оно соответствует времени по Гринвичу (GMT) как + 7 часов.
Разница с Москвой +4 часа.
МЕСТО ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ: Новосибирск, Академгородок, ул. Пирогова, №2, Главный корпус Новосибирского государственного университета, 3 этаж, аудитория № 311 имени Ак. А.И. Мальцева. Параллельная секция будет проходить в аудитории № 313.
МЕСТО И ВРЕМЯ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ РЕГИСТРАЦИИ: Главный корпус НГУ, холл на 1-ом этаже, 14 июня с 12:00-13:00.
МЕСТО И ВРЕМЯ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ПОСТЕРНОЙ СЕССИИ: Главный корпус НГУ, левая сторона здания, холл на 4 этаже, все дни конференции, т.е. с 14 по 17 июня.
14 июня, понедельник
НГУ, аудитория № 311
1-00 pm – 1-30 pm – ЦЕРЕМОНИЯ ОТКРЫТИЯ
1-30 pm – 3-20 pm – ПЛЕНАРНЫЕ ЛЕКЦИИ
Chairpersons Alexey Kochetov and Elena Salina
- 1-30 pm – 2-00 pm
GENTZBITTEL Laurent (Skoltech, Moscow Region, RUSSIA) Gene function validation and genomic breeding — cases for legumes – 30 min - 2-00 pm – 2-30 pm
KRUTOVSKY Konstantin V. (Georg August University of Göttingen, Göttingen, GERMANY) Forest genomics: main achievements and future prospects – 30 min - 2-30 pm – 3-00 pm
KORZUN Viktor (KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA, Einbeck, GERMANY) Molecular Breeding in Cereals — current achievements and perspectives – 30 min - 3-00 pm – 3-20 pm
PORTNOVA Irina (SkyGen, Moscow, RUSSIA) Plant research with nanopore sequencing technology – 20 min
3-20 pm – 3-45 pm – COFFEE BREAK
3-45 pm – 5-35 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Laurent Gentzbittel and Olesya Shoeva
Секция 1. Генетика развития и стрессоустойчивость
Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
- 3-45 pm – 4-05 pm
KHLESTKINA Elena (VIR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Synteny and convergence: insight to the Vavilov’s Law after 100 years – 20 min - 4-05 pm – 4-25 pm
AFANASENKO Olga (VIZR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Horizontal transfer of potato viroid PSTVd by Phytophthora infestans to and from host plants – 20 min. - 4-25 pm – 4-45 pm
BELIMOV Andrey (ARRIAM, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) The relationship between root exudation, accumulation of heavy metals and symbiotrophy in peas (Pisum sativum L.) – 20 min - 4-45 pm – 5-00 pm
SERDYUKOV Yuriy (BIOGEN-ANALYTICA LLC, Moscow, RUSSIA) New optical technologies in quantitative phase microscopy– 15 мин - 5-00 pm – 5-20 pm
SHOEVA Olesya (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Ant13 encodes the WD40 regulatory factor controlling anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin synthesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) – 20 min - 5-20 pm – 5-35 pm
DOROSHENKO Anastasia (IPP RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Involvement of the red light receptors phytochrome A and phytochrome B in the regulation of gene expression of the plastid transcription apparatus by cytokinin during de-etiolation of A.thaliana – 15 min
5-35 pm – 6-00 pm – COFFEE BREAK
6-00 pm – 8-00 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Olga Baranova and Ekaterina Sergeeva
Секция 1. Генетика развития и стрессоустойчивость (продолжение)
Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance (continuation)
- 6-00 pm – 6-20 pm
BARANOVA Olga (VIZR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Resistance of spring bread wheat lines developed by ARISER to abiotic stress and rust pathogens – 20 min - 6-20 pm – 6-40 pm
BALASHOVA Irina (Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, Moscow region, RUSSIA) The heritability of carrot resistance to fungal diseases of Alternaria and Fusarium genus – 20 min - 6-40 pm – 7-00 pm
GARNIK Elena (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) The dark-induced senescence disruption in Arabidopsis thaliana glutamate dehydrogenase knockout mutant gdh1gdh2 – 20 min - 7-00 pm – 7-20 pm
SANAMYAN Marina (National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN) Features of crossing and setting of hybrid seeds in hybrid cotton plants with replacement of substitution chromosomes – 20 min - 7-20 pm – 7-40 pm
STRYGINA Ksenia (VIR, St. Petersburg, Russia) Genes determining dwarfism of watermelon Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai – 20 min - 7-40 pm – 8-00 pm
RSALIYEV Aralbek (Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, Gvardeisky, KAZAKHSTAN) The pathotype structure of the causative agent Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici in Kazakhstan – 20 min
15 июня, вторник
НГУ, аудитория № 311
10-00 am – 12-00 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Rumik Davoyan and Natalia Trubacheeva
Секция 1. Генетика развития и стрессоустойчивость (продолжение)
Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance (continuation)
- 10-00 am – 10-20 am
DAVOYAN Rumik (Lukyanenko National Grain Centre, Krasnodar, RUSSIA) Using synthetic forms of RS5 and RS7 to expand the genetic diversity of common wheat for disease resistance – 20 min (in Russian) - 10-20 am – 10-40 am
LAPOCHKINA Inna (FRC «Nemchinovka», Odintsovo, RUSSIA) Complex resistance of spring bread wheat lines to biotic and abiotic stress – 20 min - 10-40 am – 10-55 am
BYCHKOV Ivan (IPP RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Effect of melatonin deficiency and disruption of its receptor signaling pathway on photosynthetic parameters and expression of chloroplast genes in plants of Arabidopsis thaliana under photooxidative stress – 15 min (in Russian) - 10-55 am – 11-10 am
POROTNIKOV Igor (VIR, St. Petersburg RUSSIA) Molecular markers of the SKr gene in the evaluation of bread wheat genotypes with different crossability with rye – 15 min (in Russian) - 11-10 am – 11-30 am
RUMYANTSEV Sergey (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) The mechanism of the additive action of bacterial compositions Bacillus spp. in the defense response of common wheat against greenbug aphid Schizaphis graminum – 20 min - 11-30 am – 11-45 am
PERFILIEV Roman (NSU; ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Development of a marker panel for genotyping of soybean cultivars by genes controlling the flowering time and response to the photoperiod – 15 min - 11-45 am – 12-00 pm
GRITSENKO Dilyara (IPBB, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN) SSR profiling of potato cultivars resistant to pathogens – 15 min
1-15 pm – 3-40 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Pavel Kostylev and Irina Leonova
Секция 1. Генетика развития и стрессоустойчивость (продолжение)
Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance (continuation)
- 1-15 pm – 1-35 pm
KOSTYLEV Pavel (Agricultural research center “Donskoy”, Zernograd, RUSSIA) Transfer of rice resistance genes to blast using DNA markers – 20 min - 1-35 pm – 1-55 pm
KULAEVA Olga (ARRIAM, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Comprehensive analysis of Pisum sativum (L.) microRNAs – 20 min - 1-55 pm – 2-15 pm
KIBALNIK Oksana (ItossorgoRosNIISK, Saratov, RUSSIA) Stress immunity of CMS lines of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench at the basis of different cytoplasmic sterility types – 20 min (in Russian) - 2-15 pm – 2-35 pm
LEBEDEVA Maria (SPbU, St. Petersburg, Russia) Nitrate-activated CLE genes in Medicago truncatula symbiotic nodule development – 20 min - 2-35 pm – 2-55 pm
CHEKUNOVA Elena (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Role of GATA-family transcription factors in the regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis in green unicellular algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii – 20 min - 2-55 pm – 3-10 pm
ANISIMOVA Olga (FRC “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Identification and characterization of the thaumatin-like genes in garlic – 15 min - 3-10 pm – 3-25 pm
ZELENOVA Natalya (SkyGen, Moscow, RUSSIA) Rapid nucleic acid extraction based on thermophilic enzymes: technology overview and downstream applications – 15 min - 3-25 pm – 3-40 pm
CHEMERIS Dmitriy (PhD, Life Science Product Manager, Maxim Medikal LLC, Moscow, RUSSIA) Integrated portfolio of high-quality tools for plant genomics from LGC Biosearch Technologies: collaboration invitation – 15 min
3-40 pm – 4-05 pm – COFFEE BREAK
4-05 pm – 6-25 pm – ПЛЕНАРНЫЕ ЛЕКЦИИ
Chairpersons Dmitry Afonnikov and Elena Salina
- 4-05 pm – 4-25 pm
PATRIN Maxim (Chief Technology Officer (CTO), PHENOMIKA LLC, Moscow, RUSSIA) High throughput phenotyping an essential step in crop breeding process: current techniques and applications – 20 min - 4-25 pm – 4-55 pm
BÖRNER Andreas (IPK, Gatersleben, GERMANY) Plant genetic resources for improving stress tolerance – examples for cereals – 30 min - 4-55 pm – 5-25 pm
KUMLEHN Jochen (IPK, Gatersleben, GERMANY) Site-specific genetic engineering in cereals – principles and applications – 30 min - 5-25 pm – 5-55 pm
STEIN Nils (IPK, Gatersleben, GERMANY) Pan-genomes of the Triticeae – 30 min - 5-55 pm – 6-25 pm
MORGUNOV Alexey (FAO Technical Adviser, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA) Food security and utilization of cereals genetic resources – 30 min
16 июня, среда
НГУ, аудитория № 311
10-00 am – 12-00 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Mira Ponomareva and Gennady Borovskii
Секция 1. Генетика развития и стрессоустойчивость (продолжение)
Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance (continuation)
- 10-00 am – 10-20 am
GRABELNYCH Olga (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Genetic transformation with GOX gene from Penicillium funiculosum as a mean for the increase of potato resistance to the extremal temperatures – 20 min - 10-20 am – 10-35 am
GLAGOLEVA Anastasia (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Association mapping of the gene controlling melanin synthesis in barley grain using plant genetic resources collections – 15 min - 10-35 am – 10-50 am
SHEIN Mikhail (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) The bacterial impact on the transcriptional activity of DCL2 and DCL4 genes in wheat plants infected with Stagonospora nodorum – 15 min - 10-50 am – 11-10 am
VESELOV Dmitry (UIB UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Hormonal control of root growth and development in ABA deficient barley mutant – 20 min - 11-10 am – 11-25 am
TOROPOVA Elena (NSAU, Novosibirsk; VNIIF, Moscow region, RUSSIA) Spring wheat varieties resistance to biotic stressors – 15 min (in Russian) - 11-25 am – 11-40 am
BURKHANOVA Guzel (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Endophytic bacteria of the Bacillus induce resistance of potato plants to viruses – 15 min - 11-40 am – 11-55 am
UTEBAYEV Maral (Barayev Research and Production Centre for Grain Farming, Shortandy-1, KAZAKHSTAN) Allelic diversity of gliadin-coding loci of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of Siberian and Kazakh breeding – 15 min
1-15 pm – 3-20 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Irina Mitrofanova and Alexander Solovyov
Секция 3. Биотехнология растений в постгеномную эпоху
Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
- 1-15 pm – 1-35 pm
MITROFANOVA Irina (Nikita Botanical Gardens, Yalta, RUSSIA) Biotechnology of Horticultural Plants and Rare Endangered Species: Recent Research and Their Use – 20 min - 1-35 pm – 1-55 pm
MIROSHNICHENKO Dmitry (KGC – ARRIAB, Moscow, Russia) CRISPR/Cas9–mediated genome editing of bread wheat to modulate heading time – 20 min - 1-55 pm – 2-15 pm
GERASIMOVA Sophia V. (KGC ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Cas9/gRNA-mediated modifications of the barley genome for fundamental and applied research – 20 min - 2-15 pm – 2-35 pm
CHUMAKOV Mikhail (IBPPM RAS, Saratov, Russia) Analysis and editing the maize gamete interactions and fusion genes – 20 min - 2-35 pm – 2-50 pm
PAVLICHENKO Vasily (SIFIBR of SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Transgenic poplar expressing AtGA20ox1 demonstrate fast growing phenotype – 15 min - 2-50 pm – 3-05 pm
TVOROGOVA Varvara (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) The search of somatic embryogenesis regulators in Medicago truncatula – 15 min - 3-05 pm – 3-20 pm
MIKHAYLOVA Elena (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) The knockout of predicted MYB60 gene in Eruca sativa promotes anthocyanin accumulation – 15 min
3-20 pm – 3-45 pm – COFFEE BREAK
3-45 pm – 5-45 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Varvara Tvorogova and Alexander Solovyov
Секция 3. Биотехнология растений в постгеномную эпоху (продолжение)
Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era (continuation)
- 3-45 pm – 4-05 pm
DOLGOV Sergey (BIBCh, Pushchino, RUSSIA) Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Chrysanthemum with Artemisinin Biosynthesis Pathway Genes – 20 min - 4-05 pm – 4-25 pm
ELKONIN Lev (Federal Agricultural Research Centre of South-East Region, Saratov, RUSSIA) Improvement of sorghum seed storage protein digestibility using RNA-interference and genome editing – 20 min - 4-25 pm – 4-45 pm
EGOROVA Anastasia (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Developing potato varieties with decreased cold-induced sweetening – 20 min - 4-45 pm – 5-05 pm
BOROVSKII Gennady (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) The overexpression of the Arabidopsis NDB2 gene in tobacco plants affects the expression of genes encoding the alternative mitochondrial electron transport pathways and stress proteins – 20 min - 5-05 pm – 5-25 pm
TIMINA Olga (PSU named after T.G. Shevchenko, Tiraspol, Pridnestrovskaia MOLDAVSKAIA RESPUBLIKA) Hairy roots characteristics of vegetable pea’s morphotype with modified leaf and offspring of the 89/16 sugar line transformant – 20 min - 5-25 pm – 5-45 pm
KISELEVA Antonina (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) An integrated approach to study genetics of Triticum aestivum vegetation period – 20 min
5-45 pm – 6-10 pm – COFFEE BREAK
6-10 pm – 7-25 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairperson Sophia V. Gerasimova
Секция 3. Биотехнология растений в постгеномную эпоху (продолжение)
Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era (continuation)
- 6-10 pm – 6-30 pm
HERTIG Christian W. (IPK, Gatersleben, Stadt Seeland, GERMANY) Targeted mutagenesis of BRANCHED HEAD homoeoalleles causes alterations of wheat spike and root architecture – 20 min - 6-30 pm – 6-50 pm
REZAEVA Barno (IPK, Ort, Gatersleben, GERMANY) Efficient formation of adventitious shoots from immature zygotic embryos of the oilseed crop camelina – 20 min - 6-50 pm – 7-10 pm
SATPATHY Pooja (IPK, Gatersleben, GERMANY) Generation of haploidy inducers for Cas endonuclease-mediated mutagenesis in barley – 20 min - 7-10 pm – 7-25 pm
IVANOV Nikolay (Philip Morris International, Neuchatel, SWITZERLAND) Alkaloid chemophenetics and transcriptomics of the Nicotiana genus – 15 min
7-25 pm – 7-55 pm –ПЛЕНАРНАЯ ЛЕКЦИЯ
- SVITASHEV Sergei (Corteva Agriscience, Johnston, IA, USA) Genome editing for crop improvement – 30 min
16 июня, среда
НГУ, аудитория № 313
1-15 pm – 3-25 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Elena Potokina and Dmitry Afonnikov
Секция 2. Эволюционная и функциональная геномика
Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics
- 1-15 pm – 1-35 pm
TURUSPEKOV Yerlan (IPBB, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN) Application of SNP genotyping Illumina arrays in spring wheat projects for stress resistance in conditions of Kazakshtan – 20 min - 1-35 pm – 1-55 pm
POTOKINA Elena (SPbFTU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Genomic introgressions of immune V. rotundifola Michx into Russian grapevine germplasm revealed by RADseq genotyping – 20 min - 1-55 pm – 2-15 pm
KIROV Ilya (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Breakthroughs in plant retrotranscriptome and mobilome characterization enabled by Nanopore sequencing – 20 min - 2-15 pm – 2-35 pm
GORSHKOVA Tatyana (KIBB FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan, RUSSIA) Plant cell wall as a target for functional genomics – 20 min - 2-35 pm – 2-55 pm
YURKOV Andrey (ARRIAM, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the North Caucasus and the Gorny Altai: biodiversity and role in plant-microbial interactions – 20 min - 2-55 pm – 3-10 pm
RAIKO Mikhail (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Fungal metagenome of Chernevaya Taiga soils: taxonomic composition, differential abundance and factors related to plant gigantism – 15 min - 3-10 pm – 3-25 pm
EFREMOV Gleb (Research Center of Biotechnology RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Z-ISO: a catching up step towards formation of colored carotenoids in tomatoes – 15 min
3-25 pm – 3-45 pm – COFFEE BREAK
3-45 pm – 5-45 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Elena Potokina and Dmitry Afonnikov
Секция 2. Эволюционная и функциональная геномика (продолжение)
Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics (continuation)
- 3-45 pm – 4-05 pm
SHCHERBAN Andrey (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Structural analysis of the candidate gene that controls awn length in common wheat Triticum aestivum L. – 20 min - 4-05 pm – 4-25 pm
BADAEVA Ekaterina (VIGG RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Genetic diversity of T. araraticum assessed using cytogenetics – 20 min - 4-25 pm – 4-45 pm
KHIUTTI Alexander (VIZR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Tolerance of potato cultivars to potato spindle tuber viroid PSTVd – 20 min - 4-45 pm – 5-05 pm
SAMSONOVA Maria (SPbPU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Genomic signatures of flax diversification and improvement – 20 min - 5-05 pm – 5-25 pm
SINIAUSKSYA Marina (IGC NAS of Belarus, Minsk, BELARUS) The variability of organelle genomes in barley – 20 min - 5-25 pm – 5-45 pm
TSVETKOVA Natalia (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Molecular-genetic analysis of genome incompatibility in wheat-rye hybrids – 20 min
5-45 pm – 6-10 pm – COFFEE BREAK
17 июня, четверг
НГУ, аудитория № 311
10-00 am – 12-00 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Tatyana Gorshkova and Nikolay P. Goncharov
Секция 3. Биотехнология растений в постгеномную эпоху (продолжение)
Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era (continuation)
- 10-00 am – 10-20 am
PONOMAREVA Mira (FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan, RUSSIA) Progress of breeding strategies in winter rye: from mass selection to genomic selection – 20 min - 10-20 am – 10-40 am
PERSHINA Lydia (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Alloplasmic Lines (H. vulgare) — T. aestivum with Completed Cytonuclear Compatibility Are the Sources of Introgression DH lines for Wheat Breeding – 20 min - 10-40 am – 11-00 am
ADONINA Irina (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) The studying genetic regulation of the vaviloid type of spike branching in hybrid lines of hexaploid wheat – 20 min - 11-00 am – 11-20 am
BELAN Igor (Omsk Agricultural Scientific Center, Omsk, RUSSIA) Development of varieties of spring bread wheat using DH lines in Western Siberia – 20 min - 11-20 am – 11-40 am
ILYUSHKO Marina (FSC of Agriculture Biotechnology of the Far East, Ussuriisk, RUSSIA) Intra-callus variability of Oryza sativa L. androgenic doubled haploids – 20 min - 11-40 am – 12-00 pm
SARKISYAN Karen (Planta, Moscow, RUSSIA) Substrate-free luminescence imaging in plants – 15 min
12-00 pm – 1-15 pm – LUNCH
1-15 pm – 3-20 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Maria Logacheva and Aleksey Penin
Секция 4. Биоинформатика, системная биология растений и цифровое фенотипирование
Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
- 1-15 pm – 1-35 pm
ZEMLYANSKAYA Elena (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Structural and functional characterization of transcription factor binding sites: from bioinformatics to hormone biosensors – 20 min - 1-35 pm – 1-55 pm
GUBAEV Rim (Skoltech, Moscow, RUSSIA) Genetic map construction and QTL mapping of oil-related traits in sunflower from VNIIMK collection – 20 min - 1-55 pm – 2-15 pm
KASIANOV Artem (IITP RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Novel method for isoform-centered analysis of alternative splicing using a combination of long and short-read sequencing data – 20 min - 2-15 pm – 2-35 pm
KLEPIKOVA Anna (IITP RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Gene expression stability at high evolutionary distances – 20 min - 2-35 pm – 2-50 pm
ANIKIN Grigory (MGI Tech Co., Ltd / HELICON COMPANY, Moscow, RUSSIA) Whole genome sequencing — new perspectives in plant breeding – 15 min - 2-50 pm – 3-05 pm
GRIGOREVA Elizaveta (SPbFTU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) De novo guar genome assembly and application of “omics” technologies to speed up guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) breeding in Russia – 15 min - 3-05 pm – 3-20 pm
GENAEV Mikhail (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Automatic identification of wheat fungi diseases using a convolutional neural network – 15 min
3-20 pm – 3-45 pm – COFFEE BREAK
3-45 pm – 5-40 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Dmitry Afonnikov and Elena Zemlyanskaya
Секция 4. Биоинформатика, системная биология растений и цифровое фенотипирование (продолжение)
Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping (continuation)
- 3-45 pm – 4-05 pm
LOGACHEVA Maria (Skoltech, Moscow, RUSSIA) Investigation of genetic control of agriculturally important traits in common buckwheat using a combination of genetic mapping and transcriptome analysis – 20 min - 4-05 pm – 4-25 pm
TKACHENKO Alexander (ITMO, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Methylome profiling of guar isogenic lines (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) in different growing conditions using ONT technology – 20 min - 4-25 pm – 4-45 pm
VOLKOVA Polina (RIRAE, Obninsk, RUSSIA) Transcriptomics of plants in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: a step closer to understand the adaptation to chronic radiation exposure – 20 min - 4-45 pm – 5-05 pm
KOZLOV Konstantin (SPbPU, St. Petersburg, Russia) Modeling of flowering time in mungbean with Approximate Bayesian Computation – 20 min - 5-05 pm – 5-25 pm
BRAGINA Maria (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Functional characterization of genes with circadian expression patterns in common wheat – 20 min - 5-25 pm – 5-40 pm
SHMAKOV Nikolay (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Pan-transcriptomic analysis of Solanum tuberosum NLR genes regulating resistance to Phytophthora infestans – 15 min
5-40 pm – 6-05 pm – COFFEE BREAK
6-05 pm – 8-00 pm – ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Chairpersons Elena Salina and Cécile Ben
Секция 5. Промышленная биотехнология
Session 5. Industrial biotechnology
- 6-05 pm – 6-25 pm
BEN Cécile (Skoltech, Moscow, RUSSIA) Tomato endophytic bacteria bioactive compounds as potential agents for the postharvest biocontrol of gray mold disease – 20 min - 6-25 pm – 6-40 pm
MAZUROV Vladimir (GenScript Biotech (Netherlands) B.V., Leiden, NETHERLANDS) Gene Synthesis Accelerates Plant Biology Research – 15 min - 6-40 pm – 6-55 pm
KHANDY Maria (FSC East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Vladivostok, RUSSIA) The Instrumental Cultivation of Phlojodicarpus sibiricus Cell Culture – 15 min - 6-55 pm – 7-10 pm
PETRUSHIN Ivan (SIFIBR of SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Genomic features of oil model compounds biodegradation by Rhodococcus qingshengii strain VKM Ac-2784D – 15 min - 7-10 pm – 7-25 pm
VITOVTOV Anton (Thermo Fisher Scientific, QVADROS-BIO, Moscow, RUSSIA) Solutions for high-throughput marker-associated plant selection: overcoming issues with complex genomes – 15 мин - 7-25 pm – 7-40 pm
RASSABINA Anna (KIBB FRC Kazan Scientific Center RAS, Kazan, RUSSIA) Melanin from the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria: physicochemical properties and biological activity – 15 min - 7-40 pm – 8-00 pm
KOVALEVSKY Rostislav (Innovation center “Biruch-New Technologies”, Alekseevka, RUSSIA) The genetic basis of the Food of the Future – 20 min
Постерная сессия / Poster Session
- ABEKOVA Alfiya (KazRI of Agriculture and Plant growing, Almalybak village, KAZAKHSTAN) Molecular analysis of sugar beet samples using the RAPD method
- AGEEVA Elena (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnobsk, RUSSIA) Study of the relationship between the conductive system of the internodes in spring bread wheat with lodging resistance and yield traits
- ALEKSEEV Valentin (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Lipopeptide producing endophytic bacteria of the genus Bacillus in the regulation of the expression of genes involved in the defense response of wheat against greenbug aphid Schizaphis graminum
- AMALOVA Akerke (IPBB, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN) Association mapping of quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in spring wheat collection tested under two water regimes in Northern Kazakhstan
- ANASHKINA Anastasya (EIMB RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Protein structure and function analysis for plant stress tolerance on BTB/POZ genes
- ANTONOV Alexey (FWRC FPA, Moscow region, Lobnya, RUSSIA) Evaluation of genetic diversity in Вrassica L. species and cultivars through application of microsatellite markers
- APARINA Viktoriya (NSAU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Phenotyping of soft spring wheat varieties to expand the genetic diversity of cultivars resistant to biotic factors
- ASKHADULLIN Damir (Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture, Kazan, RUSSIA) Resistance to powdery mildew of common wheat in the Middle Volga region of Russia
- ASKHADULLIN Danil (Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture, Kazan, RUSSIA) Resistance to common bunt of bread wheat in the Middle Volga region of Russia
- BALTIN Svyatoslav (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Study of the role of the MtWOX9-1 gene in somatic embryogenesis
- BEKHTOLD Nina (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnobsk, RUSSIA) Genetics of resistance of spring barley to the agent ustilago nuda
- BEKTAYEV Rakhimbek (National Center for biotechnology, Nur-Sultan, KAZAKHSTAN) High-throughput application of Palindromic Sequence-Targeted (PST) PCR method for genomic fingerprinting and transposon display
- BEMOVA Victoria (VIR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) The homologue of the agrobacterial gene of cucumopine synthase is expressed in naturally transgenic peanuts
- BEREZHNAYA Alina (NSU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Identification and characterization of two novel VRN-B3 alleles in Russian common wheat
- BOBOKHUJAEV Shukhrat (National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN) Molecular analysis of BC1F1 and BC2F1 cotton hybrids using SSR markers
- BOGDANOVA Olga (FRC Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies RAS, Orenburg, Russia) Molecular genetic methods for assessing drought resistance of spring barley.
- BOME Nina (Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia) Reaction on water stress of the genotypes Hordeum vulgare L. at different stages of plant development
- BONDAR Evgeniya (SFU, Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA) Annotation of Siberian larch genome draft assembly
- BORIS Ksenia (VIGG RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Genetic diversity of peach from the collection of the Nikita Botanical Gardens revealed by SSR markers
- BOROVAYA Svetlana (FSC of Agricultural Biotechnology in the Far East, Ussuriysk, RUSSIA) The influence of the toxic effect of zinc and mineral starvation on the growth and develop-ment of buckwheat regenerants in vitro culture
- BOYKO Natalya (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnoobsk, RUSSIA) Screening collection varieties of VIR for resistance to stress factors (resistance to diseases and lodging) at Novosibirsk region
- BULAVIN Ilya (Nikita Botanical Gardens, Yalta, RUSSIA) Hyssopus officinalis L. genetic similarity in vitro
- DAGHMA Diaa Eldin S. (IPK Gatersleben, Gatersleben, GERMANY) Site-directed mutagenesis of maize elite germplasm through pollination by cas9/gRNA-transgenic, haploidy-inducing lines
- DAVOYAN Edward (Lukyanenko National Grain Centre, Krasnodar, RUSSIA) Creation of common wheat lines with pyramids of genes for resistance to leaf rust
- DUBINA Elena (Federal Scientific Rice Centre, Krasnodar, Belozerny, RUSSIA) DNA-technologies in rice breeding for resistance to bio- and abiotic stressors
- DUBOVETS Nadezhda (IGC NAS of Belarus, Minsk, BELARUS) Informative SSR markers for genotyping and intervarietal differentiation of cultivated oat
- DUCA Maria (Moldova State University, Kishinev, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA) ISSR and SSR markers in assessing genetic diversity of O. cumana
- DUDNIKOV Maxim (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Identification and variation analysis of long non-coding RNA genes expressed at early stages of seed development in Triticale
- EGOROVA Anastasia (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Targeted modification of regulatory genes associated with barley grain color formation
- ENZEKREY Ekaterina (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Development of molecular markers for the identification of prolamins genes and their correlation with baking qualities of grain
- EPIFANOV Rostislav (NSU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Applying neural network for the segmentation of spike structural elements
- EVTUSHENKO Elena (IMCB SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Paralogous genes of centromeric histone CENH3 are actively expressed in the rye genome
- FEDOTOVSKAYA Victoria (SFU, Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA) Triplet composition of common mitochondrial and chloroplast genes of plants reveals their differentiation
- FILYUSHIN Mikhail (FRC “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” RAS, Moscow, Russia) Analysis of liguleless1 gene associated with ligule development in Zea mays L.
- FOMIN Ivan (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) StCDF1 gene editing strategy in potato wild species within de novo domestication concept
- GANCHEVA Maria (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) CLE genes in tuber development in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
- GARAPOV Denis (FASCA, Barnaul, RUSSIA) IRAP-analysis of genetic diversity in Chinese plum (Prunus salicina) varieties distributed in southern regions of Siberia
- GARIBYAN Tsovinar (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Study of the effect of nutrient medium components on the regenerative abilities rapeseed explants (Brassica napus), Antares variety
- GATZKAYA Sima (IMCB SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Dynamics of the transcription of CENH3 genes in allopolyploid hybrids of wheat and rye
- GAVRILENKO Tatyana (VIR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Perspectives for introgression of genetic material of Mexican potato species into potato pre-breeding programs
- GENIEVSKAYA Yulia (IPBB, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN) Marker-trait associations for barley grain quality traits identified in Karaganda and Kostanay regions using GWAS
- GLADYSHEVA-AZGARI Maria (NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, RUSSIA) De novo genome sequencing, assembly, and analysis of three Russian Prunus persica varieties
- GORBENKO Igor (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) The mitochondrial plasmids as a new type of mobile genetic elements in higher plants
- GRUZDEV Ivan (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Identification of HMW-GS for development system evaluation bread-making qualities in early breeding generations in spring-sown triticale
- GULAYEVA Elena (KarRC RAS, Petrozavodsk, RUSSIA) Functional characteristics of EST-SSR markers in Pinus sylvestris L.
- GURINA Alyona (VIR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Genes of NBS-LRR superfamily in Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk.
- GVARAMIA Sofia (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) T-DNA site identification by Cas9-targeted and whole-genome Nanopore sequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana
- IBRAGIMOVA Salmaz (KGC ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Regeneration capacity of potato cultivars prone to cold sweetening
- IVANOVA Evelina A. (Ufa Institute of biology RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Stress resistance on the example of supramolecular-genetic level of plant development
- IVANOVA Yulia N. (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Production and characterization of the bread wheat lines with introgression of chromosome 6Agi2 Thynopirum intermedium
- KAPUSTYANCHIK Svetlana (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnobsk, RUSSIA) Diseases of Miscanthus rhizome: hidden threat for the development of biomass cultivations
- KARATAEVA Tatyana (FIBCh RAS, Moscow region, Pushchino, RUSSIA) Poplar trees expressing fungal bioluminescence system
- KARZHAEV Dmitry (St. Petersburg Forestry Research Institute, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Employing of CRISPR / Cas9 technology to knock out genes associated with flowering in aspen
- KAZAKOVA Elizaveta (RIRAE, Obninsk, RUSSIA) Transcriptome of the Arabidopsis thaliana Chernobyl ecotype seedlings: simulating of the space radiation action and microgravity
- KELBIN Vasily (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Advanced panel of molecular markers identifying of stem rust resistance genes Sr2, Sr15, Sr21, Sr22, Sr23, Sr24, Sr25, Sr26, Sr31, Sr35, Sr36, Sr38, Sr39, Sr45, Sr57, Lr6Ai#2 in Siberian wheat cultivars
- KINGSLY John N.B. (KITS, Coimbatore, INDIA) Genome Editing in Wheat: Exploration of New challenges for Crop
- KOLENKOV Maxim (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Study of varieties of spring triticale for the presence of the wbm gene
- KOLOSHINA Kristina (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnobsk, RUSSIA) Optimization of cultural conditions for in vitro regeneration of wild potato species
- KOLOSOVSKAYA Ekaterina (NSU; ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Studying the regulation of epicuticular wax biosynthesis in barley using isogenic WIN1/win1 lines generated by site-directed mutagensis
- KOLOZHVARI Anastasia (NSU; ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) The study of the wheat Ppd-D1 regulatory region using Cas9 RNA-directed nuclease system
- KONSTANTINOV Dmitry (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Meta-analysis of drought-induced transcriptome changes for Zea Mays
- KOROTKOVA Anna (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Targeted knockout of the NUD gene in Siberian barley
- KOSTINA Nina (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Phenotypic characteristics of tobacco plants harboring mutations in nicotine biosynthesis genes from PMT and QPT gene families
- KRASNOPEROVA Elizaveta (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) WOX family genes in somatic embryogenesis
- KRIUKOVA Karina (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Analysis of the activity of the DR5 promoter in tuber-forming plants
- KRIVENKO Olga (Nikita Botanical Gardens, Yalta, RUSSIA) Genome-wide approaches in the study of common fig in the Nikita Botanical Gardens
- KRYUKOV Aleksey (ARRIAM, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Investigation of SWEET family sugar transporter genes and their role in arbuscular mycorrhiza
- KUKOEVA Tatyana (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Comparative characteristics of barley hybrids by the anthocyanins content in grain
- KULESHOVA Tatyana (Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Gradient of the rhizosphere bioelectric potentials as a source of green energy
- KUSHNIRENKO Igor (Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Timiryazevsky, RUSSIA) Resistance of common spring wheat genotypes to abiotic and biotic stresses in the Southern Urals
- KUZNETSOVA Ksenia (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Transcriptomic analysis of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) spontaneous tumors
- LAPRINA Julia (NSU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Microsatellite markers for regional differentiation of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici populations
- LASHINA Nina (VIZR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Development and validation of molecular markers linked to locus on chromosome 3H conferring barley resistance to Pyrenophora teres f. teres
- LEKSIN Ilya (Kazan Federal University; KIBB FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan, RUSSIA) Gene expression in lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in response to UV-B stress
- LEONOVA Irina (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Genetic loci for grain protein and gluten content in Russian spring wheat varieties
- LEVITES Evgeny (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Order of chromosome arrangement location in late prophase – early prometaphase of mitosis in haploid maize plant obtained with the use of mutation ig
- LITVINOV Dmitry (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Effect of allelic forms of GRFs genes on the development of common wheat under different conditions of nitrogen supplementation
- LOSEV Maxim (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) CLE and BAM genes in phloem development in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
- LYTKIN Kirill (SPbFTU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Development of a genetic map of Vitis vinifera L. backcrossing offspring using high-throughput genotyping
- LYUBUSHKINA Irina (SIPPB SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) In vitro biochemical features in calli derived from winter wheat anthers and their possible influences on a secondary embryogenesis
- MALYUKOVA Anastasia (IPP RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Phytochrome A and phytochrome B regulate the biosynthesis of chlorophyll during cytokinin-dependent de-etiolation of A. thaliana
- MAZINA Anastasia (Kazan Federal University; KIBB FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan, RUSSIA) Analysis of stress response genes in moss Dicranum scoparium
- MERKULOV Pavel (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Detection of active LTR-retrotransposon via eccDNA analysis in Helianthus annuus L., Arabidopsis thaliana and triticale
- MIKHAILOVA Alexandra (VIR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) The allelic diversity study of regulatory genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis in cotton
- MIKHAYLOVA Yulia (Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Molecular phylogeny of plant 14-3-3 proteins family
- MINASBEKYAN Liya (Yerevan State University, Yerevan, ARMENIA) Epigenetic mechanism of wheat adaptation on a response to the abiotic stress
- MOLDAVANOV Andrey (Belkin International Inc., Los Angeles, USA) Evolutionary complexification of plant information structure under influence of permanent data flow
- MURGAN Olga (Tomsk State University, Tomsk, RUSSIA) The effect of salt stress on the expression of the brassinosteroid biosynthesis genes
- NEZHDANOVA Anna (Research Center of Biotechnology RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Functional analysis of Solanum lycopersicum L. MADS-box gene SlMADS5
- NIKITIN Pavel (MSU, Moscow, RUSSIA) Microevolution Events in Allioideae (Amaryllidaceae) Plastomes
- NOVAKOVSKIY Roman (IMB RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Genome assemblies of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini strains of different virulence
- NOZHKINA Olga (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Manganese-containing bionanocomposites on the basis of natural polysaccharides as novel universal micronutrients for Solanum tuberosum L.
- NURMINSKY Vadim (SIFIBR of SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Analysis of the distribution of parameter of membrane lipid phase state
- NUZHNAYA Tatyana (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Molecular screening of susceptibility genes Tsn1 and Snn1 in the accessions of genus Triticum L. for resistance to the toxins SnToxA and SnTox1 from the Stagonospora nodorum
- OMAROV Murad (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Epigenetic profiling of plant LTR retrotransposon copies using Nanopore sequencing
- OMELYANCHUK Nadezhda (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Auxin-ethylene transcriptional crosstalk in Arabidopsis thaliana L.
- ONELE Alfred Obinna (KIBB FRC KazSC RAS, Kazan, RUSSIA) Peroxidase genes of Dicranum scoparium
- ORLOV Yurii (NSU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Statistical estimates of the transcription factor binding sites cluster in Arabidopsis and distant plant species genomes
- ORLOVSKAYA Olga (IGC NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus) Molecular-cytological analysis of common wheat lines with T. diccocoides genetic material
- PAKINA Elena (RUDN University, Moscow, RUSSIA) Plant virus genome studies using novel databases and bioinformatics tools for text compression and entropy
- PERFILEVA Alla (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Generalization of the results on the effect of selenium nanocomposites on the interaction of potatoes with the ring rot disease pathogen
- PETRASH Nadezhda (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnobsk, RUSSIA) The anther culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties and hybrids
- PISKAREV Vyacheslav (SibRIPP&B – Branch of ICG SB RAS, Krasnoobsk, RUSSIA) Genes of wheat resistant to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Siberia and Far East in 2020 are the basis for determining the breeding strategy for stress resistance.
- POLYAKOVA Elizaveta (Irkutsk State University; SIPPB SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Non-phosphorylating alternative respiratory pathways are involved in an increase of wheat resistance to heat stress
- POZHARSKIY Alexander (IPBB, Almaty, KAZAKHSTAN) Evolution of MLO-like proteins in flowering plants
- PRONOZIN Artem (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Identification and structural features analysis of long noncoding RNAs
- PSHENICHNIKOVA Tatyana (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Locus Hl, determining leaf pubescence in the genus Triticum L., as a marker of non-homoeological rearrangement 4A/5A/7B, its phenotypic expression and role in adaptation to drought
- RAHIMOV Rahim (GRI of ANAS, Baku, AZERBAIJAN) Field evaluation of different wheat-alien amphiploids in the conditions of the Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan)
- REKOSLAVSKAYA Natalya (SIFIBR SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) The effect of «early»protein of papillomavirus HPV16 E2 made in plant expresssion system on the base of tomato fruit on tumor formation in mice infected with cancer HeLa cells
- ROMANOV Dmitry (ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Repeating elements of the hemp genome (Cannabis sativa L.)
- ROZANOVA Irina (VIR, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Development of DNA Markers for the Selection of Spring Barley Varieties that Are Resistant to Spot Blotch
- RUTKOVSKAYA Ekaterina (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Identification and analysis of CEP genes expression in Solanum tuberosum
- SABOIEV Izatsho (KGC ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Comparative assessment of sugar accumulation in commercial potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) for genome editing
- SADIKOVA Darina (SPbU, Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA) CLE genes regulating symbiotic nodule development in Pisum sativum
- SERGEEVA Ekaterina (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) The selection of efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) aimed to obtain the cultivars with low-amylose starch properties
- SHARAPOVA Lyubov (Research Center of Biotechnology RAS, Moscow, Russia) Detection of the binding the stress HliA protein Synechocystis sp. with pigments
- SHARMA Shailendra (Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, INDIA) Genome-wide association study in wheat to identify resistance against Pratylenchus thornei and Heterodera avenae
- SHCHUKINA Lyudmila (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Determination of the size of introgressions from Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. in the recombinant lines of bread wheat cultivar Saratovskaya 29 and their association with protein and gluten content in grain
- SHEPELEV Sergey (Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk, RUSSIA) Search of genome-wide associations for breeding of spring wheat varieties with high zinc content
- SIMONOV Alexander (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Influence of an introgression from Triticum timopheevii into chromosome 5A of bread wheat cultivars Saratovskaya 29 and Diamant 2 on agronomical, physiological and biochemical parameters under contrasting irrigation conditions
- SLOBODOVA Natalya (NRC Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, RUSSIA) Analysis of the transcriptomic profile of three peach varieties with different ripening periods
- SOKOLKOVA Alena (SPbPU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) GWAS between flax accessions and agronomically important phenotypic traits
- STOLBIKOV Alexey (SIPPB SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) The study of the cross-interaction of antibodies with antigens of different types of human papillomaviruses (HPV)
- SUKHOMLINOV Valery (NSAU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Spring wheat varieties resistance to the common root rot
- SUKHORUKOV Grigorii (CBiB, Bordeaux, FRANCE) VirHunter: a deep learning-based method for detection of novel viruses in plant sequencing data
- SURKOVA Svetlana (SPbPU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Transcriptomic analysis of flowering-time genes in wild and cultivated chickpea
- TIMERBAEV Vadim (KGC – ARRIAB, Moscow, RUSSIA) Applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system for modification of starch content in wheat and triticale
- TIMONOVA Ekaterina (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) The influence of alien translocations on in vitro androgenesis in lines of spring common wheat
- TRETYAKOVA Iraida (FRC «Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS», Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA) Markers of somatic embryogenesis of Pinaceae species in in vitro culture (cytohistological, physiological and molecular genetic)
- TRIFONOVA Aya (VIGG RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Genetic diversity of old and local apple cultivars of North Caucasus from VIR collection based on SSR markers
- TSYUPKA Valentina (Nikita Botanical Gardens, Yalta, RUSSIA) Differential gene expression in Lavandula angustifolia Mill. under adaptation ex vitro
- TYAPKINA Darya (FRC “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA) Structural characterization and expression of new gene homologs of GDP-D-mannose-3’5′-epimerase GME1 in wild and cultivated tomato species.
- UKOLOVA Irina (SIPPB SB RAS, Irkutsk, RUSSIA) Subcompartmented oxphosomic model of the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system
- VASYLYK Irina (ARNRIVW “Magarach” RAS, Yalta, RUSSIA) Evaluation of stress resistance of grape remote hybrids, carrying Vitis rotundifolia Michx. introgressions
- VERSHININA Zilya (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Tomato plants carring pph6 gene for phytoremediation
- VESELOVA Svetlana (IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, RUSSIA) Different resistance of bread wheat near-isogenic lines carrying various combinations of alleles of the Pp and Ba genes regulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanin to the pathogenic fungus Stagonosporа nodorum
- VIKHOREV Alexandr (NSU, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) Study of melanin and anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation in barley grain by transcriptomic analysis of near-isogenic lines with different pigment composition
- YAKOVLEVA Darya (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) Evaluation of the effect of the WOX family genes overexpression on the somatic embryogenesis.
- ZLYDNEVA Natalia (SPbU, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) CLE-peptides in Medicago truncatula somatic embryogenesis
- ZORINA Maremyana (NSU, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA) The studying of hybrid line with spherical grains and reduced height obtained by crossing triticale and synthetic hexaploid wheat