General information

The 3rd annual Laboratory Animal Science Associations Conference in Russia (Rus-LASA).

September 25-28, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk

First information letter

Dear colleagues!

The 3rd annual Laboratory Animal Science Associations Conference in Russia (Rus-LASA) will be held on September 25-28, 2013 at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk). The Conference is dedicated to the problems of laboratory animal housing and care and animal facility management. Modern strategies in research development on the grounds of animal facilities will be discussed.


  1. Animal house management
  2. Husbandry and breeding of laboratory animals
  3. Animal welfare and health monitoring
  4. The role of reproduction technologies in animal husbandry
  5. Cutting-edge research tools in animal science
  6. Bioethics of research schemes and the “Three R” principle in animal experimental practice

The conference will include:

  • A workshop on animal handling principles
  • The annual report (2013) from Rus-LASA administration

If you wish to organize a roundtable discussion within the conference framework, please, send your suggestions to:
There will be oral presentations and poster sessions at the Conference.