

The Conference will be held in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok (Russia).

The object of the conference is to consider a complex of fundamental and applied studies dealing with flora and fauna biodiversity, human genome diversity in Eurasia, and the problems related to environment and dynamics of ecosystems in North Eurasia. The conference will bring together experts in information technologies, biology and environment science to discuss the progress, trends, milestones and perspectives in application of computer approaches and modelling for investigation of biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems of the North Eurasia. The conference is expected to stimulate establishment of new links between computer technologies and research in fundamental and applied biology and ecology, which should initiate a large number of international collaborative projects in database development, computer methods for data analyses, visualisation and modelling as applied to Environmental & Earth Sciences. Thus, the conference will create a basis for advancing the frontiers of this scientific area.

The conference willl discuss the following problems:

  1. Molecular genetic bases of biodiversity (animals and plants)
  2. Basic problems of species and ecosystem evolutions
  3. Diversity of the fauna of North Eurasia
  4. Diversity of the flora of North Eurasia
  5. Human genome diversity in North Eurasia: evolution, population, and ecology aspects
  6. Water ecosystems of North Eurasia
  7. Soil ecosystems of North Eurasia
  8. Lake Baikal as a natural laboratory for studying species biodiversity and evolution
  9. Forest ecosystems of North Eurasia
  10. Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems of North-East Asia (supported by the Chinese Academy of Science and the Korean Academy of Sciences )
  11. Informational Technologies and Modeling

It is planned to organise sessions for oral and poster presentations, as well as computer demonstrations and the closing round table discussion. The languages of the Conference will be English and Russian.

Extended abstracts (a maximum of 4 pages) should be submitted to the Conference and those accepted by the Organising Committee will be printed. Proceedings of the Conference will be published in Russian and English. Summarising the Conference, a series of reviewed papers will appear in special issues of several international editions. The International Programme Committee will prepare for publication a book “Biodiversity and ecosystems in Eurasia” (in Russian and English).

Post-Conference travels tours and field excursions are planned to Altai Mountains and Lake Baikal.

We will be grateful for acknowledgement of your interest and possibility to attend the Conference. All information, (and forms), regarding registration, submission of abstracts (the dead line is April 15, 2000) and accomodation can be found at the conference website. The instruction to abstract submission is enclosed.

Prof. Nikolay L. Dobretsov, Academician
Symposium Chairman
Vice-President, Russian Academy of Sciences
President of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Vladimir K. Shumny, Academician
Symposium Co-Chairman
Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics

For further information please contact:

Prof. Nikolay Kolchanov,
Institute of Cytology and Genetics Novosibirsk 630090, Russia,
Phone: +7(3832) 333468, Fax: +7(3832) 331278 E-mail: