Call for abstracts

The closing date for receiving extended abstracts of presentations and for registration is April 15, 2000.

The decision on acceptance for presentation will be communicated by May 15, 2000.

Instructions to Authors

Extended Abstracts must be written in English, and Abstract length should not exceed 4 pages.

Please use 12-point Times New Roman font. Do not indent the start of paragraphs. Text should be single-spaced. Section titles should be typed in bold 14-point Times New Roman font. Margins: left margin-3.5 cm; other margins-2.5 cm.

The following sequence of sections is recommended:


The title should be typed in bold capital letters (14-point Times New Roman font). Separate title from names of authors by one blank line.

Names of authors

The surname and initials of each author should be followed by his/her department, Institution, city, postal code, country and E-mail address. Any changes of address may be added to the footnotes. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk and the footnote ‘To whom correspondence should be addressed’.

Separate names of authors from key words by one blank line.

Key words

Up to ten key words should be supplied to assist with the compilation of the Subject Index.


Resume should specifically state the scientific question within the context of the field of study and summarize the scientific advance or novel results of the study. A maximum of 150 words is recommended.


Materials and methods





References are ordered alphabetically.


Abstracts should be submitted in an electronic form as attachment files in MS Word v.6-7. Figures (black and white, not colour) should be submitted individually as JPEG, GIF, BMP or PNG bitmaps. They must be named as Fig.1, Fig.2 and so forth. Legends of figures should be placed within the text at locations where they will appear in the abstract.

Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged by the Organizing Commitee.

Please submit manuscript including figures as an E-mail attachment to

Nikolay A Kolchanov,
Institute of Cytology and Genetics
Novosibirsk, Russia

The closing date for receiving extended abstracts of presentations and for registration is April 15, 2000.
The decision on acceptance for presentation will be communicated by May 15, 2000.



Ermakov N.A.*, Maltseva T.B., and Makunina N.D.

Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zolotodolinskaya, 101, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; fax +7 3832 354986, E-mail

*To whom correspondence should be addressed


Syntaxonomy, vegetation survey, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Russia


The classification of South Siberian meadows using the Braun-Blanquet approach was carried out on the basis of a geographically wide ranging set of data from West Siberian Plain and Altai-Sayanian mountain system. Two main phytosociological types of the meadows were distinguished within the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea due to performed syntaxonomic analysis and ordination. The natural Siberian forest meadows were included in the order Carici macrourae-Crepidetalia sibiricae comprising two alliances (Crepidion sibiricae, Aconito barbati-Vicion unijugae) and 7 associations. The anthropogenic types of dry meadows were included in the European-West Siberian order – Arrhenatheretalia, comprising one alliance (Festucion pratensis) and 5 associations. DCA ordination revealed clear differences in floristic composition of the higher units and diagnostic importance of the main ecological and phytosociological species groups.


This paper is a study of the biodiversity of South Siberian forest meadows, carried out as part of the development of a Darwin Initiative Project intended to aid the conservation of these unique grasslands. The meadows are widespread in the southern part of the boreal and forest-steppe zones in the relatively narrow geographical belt between the latitudes of 52o and 58oN and represent the eastern part of the European-Siberian class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea R.Tx. 1937. Siberian meadows keep essential ecological and phytosociological distinctions from their European analogs, in consequence of an increase of climate continentality eastward the Urals mountains as well as of variations of grassland management. Classification and ordination of these Siberian forest meadows have been carried out on the basis of a geographically wide ranging set of data from the Western Siberian Plain and Altai-Sayanian mountain system.

Materials and Methods

The present paper is focused on an analysis of Siberian forest meadows as a special type of meadows in the mountain regions of the Altai-Sayanian system and watersheds of the West Siberian Plain. In addition, the dry meadows of drained sites of higher terraces of river valleys were also included for processing and comparative analysis. The basis for the study was 480 relevйs of meadows—from the southern part of the West Siberian Plain and the northern part of the Altai-Sayanian mountain system (Fig.1). The majority of these releves were collected by the authors. Other relevйs were collected by G. Pavlova and T. Popova, and are in the database of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden in Novosibirsk, Russia.

Fig. 1. Locations of the relevйs of forest meadows in Southern Siberia. 1 – Plains and lowlands (altitudes of 0-200 m). 2 – Lower plateaus and elevated plains (altitudes of 200-800m). 3 – Plateaus and mountains (altitudes of 800-4000m). 4 – Location of the relevйs of forest meadows.


In the first stage of the classification, 36 small informal groups (phytocoenones) from each of geographical regions were identified at a fine ecological-topographical scale with the use of MegaTab and TWINSPAN. In the second stage, the phytocoenones from all regions were analyzed and similar ones were merged into low-level syntaxonomic units. The full synoptic table of low-level syntaxa (variants, subassociations and associations) of hemiboreal forests was analysed for determination of the higher level units (Table 1). MegaTab and TWINSPAN were applied again for elucidation of floristic integrity of the higher level syntaxa (from suballiances to classes) and for more precise definition of the diagnostic features of the syntaxa. All meadows were included in 12 associations, 5 subassociations, 2 variants, 2 alliances and 2 orders (Table 1; see Appendix of this paper). Some of the syntaxa were described for the first time.


Alimbekova L.M. & Mirkin B.M. (1989): Sintaxonomiya lugovoy rastitel’nosti poymy Yeniseya (Meadow vegetation syntaxonomy in the Yenisey River flood-plain). Ms., Dep. VINITI, Moskva. Man. No. N6235-V89.

Czerepanov S.K. (1995): Sosudistiye rasteniya Rossii i sopredelnikh gosudarstv (Vascular plants of Russia and adjacent countries). St. Peterburg.

Dierschke H. (1995): Syntaxonomical survey of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea in Central Europe. Coll. Phytosoc., 23: 387-399.