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Distant poster session

Abstract titleAuthorsSection
The study of the cross-interaction of antibodies with antigens of different types of human papillomaviruses (HPV)Stolbikov A.S., Salyaev R.K., Rekoslavskaya N.I.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Molecular-genetic methods for assessing the drought resistance of spring barleyNovikova A.A., Bogdanova O.V.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
The selection of efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) aimed to obtain the cultivars with low-amylose starch propertiesSergeeva E.M.; Larichev K.T.; Bragina M.K.; Salina E.A.; Kochetov A.V.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
The influence of the toxic effect of zinc and mineral starvation on the growth and development of buckwheat regenerants in vitro cultureBorovaya S.A.; Klykov A.G.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
DNA-TECHNOLOGIES IN RICE BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO BIO- AND ABIOTIC STRESSORSDubina E.V.; M.G. Ruban; S.V. Garkusha; S.A. LesnyakSession 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Generalization of the results on the effect of selenium nanocomposites on the interaction of potatoes with the ring rot disease pathogenPerfileva A.I.; Nozhkina O.A.; Graskova I.A.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
«Detection of the binding the stress HliA protein Synechocystis sp. with pigments»Sharapova L.S.; Yurina N.P.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
The distribution analysisof parameters of the membrane lipid phase stateNurminsky V.N., Bukin Yu.S., Ozolina N.V.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Identification and characterization of two novel VRN-B3 alleles in Russian common wheatBerezhnaya A.A.; Kiseleva A.A.; Salina E.A.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Development of a genetic map of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) backcross offspring using high-throughput genotypingLytkin K.F.; Grigoreva E.A.; Potokina E.K.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Phenotypic characteristics of tobacco plants harboring mutations in nicotine biosynthesis genes from PMT and QPT gene familiesKostina N.E., Lykhina A.V., Domrachev D.V., Spaselnikova A. V., Tomilin M.A., Romanova A.V., Chamas S., Kumlehn J., Gerasimova S.V.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Targeted modification of regulatory genes associated with barley grain color formationEgorova A.; Strygina K.; Shoeva O.; Hertig C.; Gerasimova S.; Koeppel I.; Hiekel S.; Vikhorev A.; Kumlehn J.; Khlestkina E.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Studying the regulation of epicuticular wax biosynthesis in barley using isogenic WIN1/win1 lines generated by site-directed mutagensisKolosovskaya E.V.*1,2; Gerasimova S.V.1,2; Korotkova A.M.1; Hertig С.3; Morozov S.V.4; Chernyak E.I.4; Domrachev D.V.4; Vikhorev A.В.1,2; Shmakov N.A.1; Kochetov A.V.1,2; Kumlehn J.3; Khlestkina E.K.1,2,5Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Transcriptomic analysis of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) spontaneous tumorsTkachenko А.А.;Dodueva I.E.;Tvorogova V.E.;Predeus A.V.;Pravdina O.Yu.;Kuznetsova K.A.; Lutova L.A.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Transcriptome of the Arabidopsis thaliana Chernobyl ecotype seedlings: simulating of the space radiation action and microgravityKazakova E.A.; Podlutskii M.S.; Moiseev A.S.; Kazakov E.I.; Saburov V.O.; Babina D.D.; Podobed M.Yu.; Volkova P.Yu.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Evaluation of Stress Resistance of Grape Remote Hybrids, Carrying Vitis rotundifolia Michx. IntrogressionsVolynkin V.A., Likhovskoi V.V., Vasylyk I.A., Lushchay E.A., Gorislavets S.M., Volodin V.A., Risovannaya V.I., Potokina E.K.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Microsatellite markers for regional differentiation of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici populationsLaprina Yu.V.; Kelbin V.N.; Skolotneva E.S.; Kolomiets T.M.; Kiseleva M.I.; Baranova O.A.;Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics
Employing of CRISPR / Cas9 technology to knock out genes associated with flowering in aspenKarzhaev D.S.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Molecular phylogeny of plant 14-3-3 proteins familyMikhaylova Yu.V.; Shishova M.F.Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics
Evolution of MLO-like proteins in flowering plantsPozharskiy A.S.; Gritsenko D.A.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Genetic loci for grain protein and gluten content in Russian spring wheat varietiesLeonova I.N.; Kiseleva A.A.; Stasyuk A.I.; Salina E.A.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Investigation of SWEET family sugar transporter genes and their role in arbuscular mycorrhizaKryukov A.A., Gorbunova A.O., Mikhaylova Yu.V., Yurkov A.P.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Spring wheat varieties resistance to the common root rotSukhomlinov V.Yu., Toropova Elena Yu.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Non-phosphorylating alternative respiratory pathways are involved in an increase of wheat resistance to heat stressFedotova O.A.1, Polyakova E.A.*1,2, Grabelnykh O.I1,2Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Advanced panel of molecular markers identifying of stem rust resistance genes Sr2, Sr15, Sr22, Sr23, Sr24, Sr25, Sr26, Sr31, Sr35, Sr36, Sr38, Sr39, Sr44, Sr45, Sr57, Lr6Ai#2 in Siberian wheat cultivarsKelbin V.N., Skolotneva E.S.; Shamanin V.P.; Salina E.A.Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics
Analysis of stress response genes in moss Dicranum scopariumMazina A.B., Leksin I.Y., Minibayeva F.V.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Anatomo-morphological stem features of spring bread wheat varietiesAgeeva E.V., Leonova I.N., Salina E.A., Likhenko I.E.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Annotation of Siberian larch genome draft assemblyEugenia I. Bondar; Sergey I. Feranchuk, Vladislav V. Birukhov; Dmitry A. Kuzmin; Vadim V. Sharov; Natalya V. Oreshkova; Konstantin V. KrutovskySession 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Applying neural network for the segmentation of spike structural elementsEpifanov R. UI. , Genaev M.A. ,U.V. Kruchinina , N.P. GoncharovSession 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Association mapping of quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in spring wheat collection tested under two water regimes in Northern KazakhstanAmalova A., Abugalieva S., Babkenov A., Babkenova S., Turuspekov Y.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
CDF1 gene editing strategy in potato wild species within de novo domestication conceptFomin I.N.*1; Egorova A.A.1,2; Koloshina K.A.1; Gerasimova S.V.1Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Differential gene expression in Lavandula angustifolia Mill. under adaptation ex vitroTsyupka V.A.; Kuleshova O.N.; Emirsaliev A.O.; Zhdanova I.V.; Grebennikova O.A.; Mitrofanova I.V.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Effect of allelic forms of GRFs genes on the development of common wheat under different conditions of nitrogen supplementationDivashuk M.G.; Litvinov D.Y.; Chernook A.G.; Nazarova L.A.; Karlov G.I.; Kroupin P.Yu.; Bazhenov M.S.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Epigenetic mechanism of wheat adaptationon a responseto the abiotic stressMinasbekyan L.A.; Vardevanyan P.O.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Functional analysis of Solanum lycopersicum L. MADS-box gene SlMADS5Nezhdanova A.V.; Slugina M.A.; Dyachenko E.A.; Kamionskaya A.M.; Kochieva E.Z.; Shchennikova A.V.Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics
Gene expression in lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in response to UV-B stressLeksin I.Y.; Minibayeva F.V.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Genes of NBS-LRR superfamily in Solanum phurejaGurina Alena AlekseevnaSession 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Genome assemblies of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini strains of different virulenceNovakovskiy R.O.; Dvorianinova E.M.; Rozhmina T.A.; Kudryavtseva L.P.; Povkhova L.V.; Pushkova E.N.; Melnikova N.V.; Dmitriev A.A.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Genome-Wide Association Studies localization Zn synthetic wheatShepelev S.S.; Pototskaya I.V.; Shamanin V.P.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
GWAS between flax accessions and agronomically important phenotypic traitsA. Sokolkova; T. Rozhmina; A. Kanapin; A. Samsonova; S. Surkova; M. Bankin; M. SamsonovaSession 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
In vitro biochemical features in calli derived from winter wheat anthers and their possible influences on a secondary embriogenesisLyubushkina I. 1,2; Polyakova M. 1; Pomortsev A. 1; Kirichenko K. 1; Sokolova N. 1; Arbuzova G.1,2; Voinikov V. 1; Anapiyaev B. 3Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
IN VITRO REGENERATION OF HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS L. AND PLANT GENETIC FIDELITYBulavin I.V.; Ivanova N.N.; Mitrofanova I.V. Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Influence of an introgression from Triticum timopheevii into chromosome 5A of bread wheat cultivars Saratovskaya 29 and Diamant 2 on agronomical, physiological and biochemical parameters under contrasting irrigation conditions.Alexander Vladimirovich Simonov; Smirnova Olga Grigorievna; Permyakov Alexey Viktorovich; Permyakova Marina Diomidovna; Osipova Svetlana Vladimirovna; Pshenichnikova Tatiana AlekseevnaSession 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Marker-trait associations for barley grain quality traits identified in Karaganda and Kostanay regions (Kazakhstan) using GWASGenievskaya Y.; Almerekova S.; Abugalieva A.; Abugalieva S.; Turuspekov Y.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Microevolution Events in Allium (Amaryllidaceae) PlastomesScobeyeva V.A.1, 2; Artyushin I.V.1; Krinitsina A.A.1; Nikitin P.A.1*; Antipin M.I.1; Kuptsov S.V.1; Belenikin M.S.2; Omelchenko D.O.3; Logacheva M.D.4; Konorov E.A.5; Samoilov A.E.6; Speranskaya A.S.6,1Session 2. Evolutionary and functional genomics
Optimization of cultural conditions for in vitro regeneration of wild potato speciesKoloshina K.A.; Egorova A.A.;Chalaya N.A.; Rogozina E.V.; Gerasimova S.V.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Order of chromosome arrangement location in late prophase-early prometaphase of mitosis in haploid maize plant obtained with the use of mutation igYudina Rimma Sergeevna; Levites Evgeny VladimirovichSession 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Poplar trees expressing fungal bioluminescence systemTatiana Karataeva; Liliia Fakhranurova; Alexander Mishin; Tatiana MitiouchkinaSession 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Production and characterization of the bread wheat lines with introgression of chromosome 6Agi2 Thynopirum intermediumIvanova Yu.N.*, Stasyuk A.I., Skolotneva E.S., Silkova O.G.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Site-directed mutagenesis of maize elite germplasm through pollination by cas9/gRNA-transgenic, haploidy-inducing linesDiaa Eldin S. Daghma, Mukhammadjon Mirzakhmrdov, Sindy Chamas, Susanne Knüpfer, Heike Büchner, Pooja Satpathy and Jochen KumlehnSession 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Targeted knockout of the NUD gene in Siberian barleyKorotkova A.M., Kolosovskaya E.V., Gerasimova S.V., Hertig C., Otto I., Kumlehn J., Khlestkina E.K.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
The anther culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties and hybridsPetrash N.V.; Fedorova O.V.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
The effect of salt stress on the expression of the brassinosteroid biosynthesis genesMurgan Olga Konstantinovna; Efimova Marina Vasil'evnaSession 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
The gradient of rhizosphere bioelectric potentials as a source of green energyKuleshova T.E.*1,2; Gall N.R.1; Galushko A.S.2; Udalova O.R.2; Panova G.G.2Session 5. Industrial biotechnology
The influence of combinations of alien translocations on in vitro androgenesis in lines of spring common wheatTimonova E.M.; Adonina I.G.; Salina E.A.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
The studying of hybrid line with spherical grains and reduced height obtained by crossing triticale and synthetic hexaploid wheatZorina M.V.; Adonina I.G.; Mehdiyeva S.P.; Salina E.A.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Tomato plants carring pph6 gene for phytoremediationVershinina Z.R.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
Transcriptomic analysis of flowering-time genes in wild and cultivated chickpeaGretsova M.; Surkova S.; Kanapin A.; Samsonova A.; Scherbakov A.; Logacheva M.; Nuzhdin S.; Samsonova M.Session 1. Genetics of development and stress tolerance
Triplet composition of common mitochondrial and chloroplast genes of plants reveals their differentiationFedotovskaya Viktoriya Dmitrievna; Sadovsky Michael GeorgievichSession 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Protein structure and function analysis for plant stress tolerance on BTB/POZ genesAnashkina A.A., Luzin A.N., Kulikova D.K., Dergilev A.I., Orlov Y.L.
Plant virus genome studies using novel databases and bioinformatics tools for text compression and entropyIgnatov A.N.; Orlov Y.L.; Luzin A.N.; Pakina E.N.; Dobrovolskaya O.B.Session 4. Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping
Markers of somatic embryogenesis of Pinaceae species in in vitro culture (cytohistological, physiological and molecular genetic)Tretyakova Iraida Nikolaevna; Park Maria EduardovnaSession 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era
The homologue of the agrobacterial gene of cucumopine synthase is expressed in naturally transgenic peanuts.Bemova V.D., Matveeva T.V.Session 3. Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era

Local poster session

Study of the relationship between the conductive system of the internodes in spring bread wheat with lodging resistance and yield traits AGEEVA Elena
Lipopeptide producing endophytic bacteria of the genus Bacillus in the regulation of the expression of genes involved in the defense response of wheat against greenbug aphid Schizaphis graminum ALEKSEEV Valentin
Evaluation of genetic diversity in Вrassica L. species and cultivars through application of microsatellite markers ANTONOV Alexey
Phenotyping of soft spring wheat varieties to expand the genetic diversity of cultivars resistant to biotic factors APARINA Viktoriya
Study of the role of the MtWOX9-1 gene in somatic embryogenesis BALTIN Svyatoslav
Genetics of resistance of spring barley to the agent ustilago nuda BEKHTOLD Nina
Identification and characterization of two novel VRN-B3 alleles in Russian common wheat BEREZHNAYA Alina
The influence of the toxic effect of zinc and mineral starvation on the growth and develop-ment of buckwheat regenerants in vitro culture BOROVAYA Svetlana
Screening collection varieties of VIR for resistance to stress factors (resistance to diseases and lodging) at Novosibirsk region BOYKO Natalya
Creation of common wheat lines with pyramids of genes for resistance to leaf rust DAVOYAN Edward
DNA-technologies in rice breeding for resistance to bio- and abiotic stressors DUBINA Elena
Identification and variation analysis of long non-coding RNA genes expressed at early stages of seed development in Triticale DUDNIKOV Maxim
Targeted modification of regulatory genes associated with barley grain color formation EGOROVA Anastasia
Development of molecular markers for the identification of prolamins genes and their correlation with baking qualities of grain ENZEKREY Ekaterina
Applying neural network for the segmentation of spike structural elements EPIFANOV Rostislav
Paralogous genes of centromeric histone CENH3 are actively expressed in the rye genome EVTUSHENKO Elena
StCDF1 gene editing strategy in potato wild species within de novo domestication concept FOMIN Ivan
CLE genes in tuber development in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)GANCHEVA Maria
IRAP-analysis of genetic diversity in Chinese plum (Prunus salicina) varieties distributed in southern regions of Siberia GARAPOV Denis
Dynamics of the transcription of CENH3 genes in allopolyploid hybrids of wheat and rye GATZKAYA Sima
De novo genome sequencing, assembly, and analysis of three Russian Prunus persica varieties GLADYSHEVA-AZGARI Maria
The mitochondrial plasmids as a new type of mobile genetic elements in higher plants GORBENKO Igor
Genes of NBS-LRR superfamily in Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk. GURINA Alyona
T-DNA site identification by Cas9-targeted and whole-genome Nanopore sequencing of Arabidopsis thaliana GVARAMIA Sofia
Regeneration capacity of potato cultivars prone to cold sweetening IBRAGIMOVA Salmaz
Diseases of Miscanthus rhizome: hidden threat for the development of biomass cultivations KAPUSTYANCHIK Svetlana
Poplar trees expressing fungal bioluminescence system KARATAEVA Tatyana
Employing of CRISPR / Cas9 technology to knock out genes associated with flowering in aspen KARZHAEV Dmitry
Transcriptome of the Arabidopsis thaliana Chernobyl ecotype seedlings: simulating of the space radiation action and microgravity KAZAKOVA Elizaveta
Advanced panel of molecular markers identifying of stem rust resistance genes Sr2, Sr15, Sr21, Sr22, Sr23, Sr24, Sr25, Sr26, Sr31, Sr35, Sr36, Sr38, Sr39, Sr45, Sr57, Lr6Ai#2 in Siberian wheat cultivars KELBIN Vasily
Optimization of cultural conditions for in vitro regeneration of wild potato species KOLOSHINA Kristina
Studying the regulation of epicuticular wax biosynthesis in barley using isogenic WIN1/win1 lines generated by site-directed mutagenesis KOLOSOVSKAYA Ekaterina
The study of the wheat Ppd-D1 regulatory region using Cas9 RNA-directed nuclease system KOLOZHVARI Anastasia
Meta-analysis of drought-induced transcriptome changes for Zea Mays KONSTANTINOV Dmitry
Targeted knockout of the NUD gene in Siberian barley KOROTKOVA Anna
WOX family genes in somatic embryogenesisKRASNOPEROVA Elizaveta
Analysis of the activity of the DR5 promoter in tuber-forming plants KRIUKOVA Karina
Genome-wide approaches in the study of common fig in the Nikita Botanical Gardens KRIVENKO Olga
Comparative characteristics of barley hybrids by the anthocyanins content in grain KUKOEVA Tatyana
Microsatellite markers for regional differentiation of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici populations LAPRINA Julia
Genetic loci for grain protein and gluten content in Russian spring wheat varieties LEONOVA Irina
Order of chromosome arrangement location in late prophase – early prometaphase of mitosis in haploid maize plant obtained with the use of mutation ig LEVITES Evgeny
Effect of allelic forms of GRFs genes on the development of common wheat under different conditions of nitrogen supplementation LITVINOV Dmitry
CLE and BAM genes in phloem development in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)LOSEV Maxim
Development of a genetic map of Vitis vinifera L. backcrossing offspring using high-throughput genotyping LYTKIN Kirill
Phytochrome A and phytochrome B regulate the biosynthesis of chlorophyll during cytokinin-dependent de-etiolation of A. thaliana MALYUKOVA Anastasia
Detection of active LTR retrotransposons via eccDNA analysis in Helianthus annuus L., Arabidopsis thaliana and triticaleMERKULOV Pavel
Molecular screening of susceptibility genes Tsn1 and Snn1 in the accessions of genus Triticum L. for resistance to the toxins SnToxA and SnTox1 from the Stagonospora nodorum NUZHNAYA Tatyana
Epigenetic profiling of plant LTR retrotransposon copies using Nanopore sequencing OMAROV Murad
Statistical estimates of the transcription factor binding sites cluster in Arabidopsis and distant plant species genomes ORLOV Yurii
The anther culture response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties and hybrids PETRASH Nadezhda
Genes of wheat resistant to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Siberia and Far East in 2020 are the basis for determining the breeding strategy for stress resistance PISKAREV Vyacheslav
Identification and structural features analysis of long noncoding RNAs PRONOZIN Artem
Development of DNA Markers for the Selection of Spring Barley Varieties that Are Resistant to Spot Blotch ROZANOVA Irina
Identification and analysis of CEP genes expression in Solanum tuberosum RUTKOVSKAYA Ekaterina
Comparative assessment of sugar accumulation in commercial potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) for genome editing SABOIEV Izatsho
CLE genes regulating symbiotic nodule development in Pisum sativum SADIKOVA Darina
The selection of efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) aimed to obtain the cultivars with low-amylose starch properties SERGEEVA Ekaterina
Influence of an introgression from Triticum timopheevii into chromosome 5A of bread wheat cultivars Saratovskaya 29 and Diamant 2 on agronomical, physiological and biochemical parameters under contrasting irrigation conditions SIMONOV Alexander
Analysis of the transcriptomic profile of three peach varieties with different ripening periods SLOBODOVA Natalya
Applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system for modification of starch content in wheat and triticale TIMERBAEV Vadim
The influence of alien translocations on in vitro androgenesis in lines of spring common wheat TIMONOVA Ekaterina
Genetic diversity of old and local apple cultivars of North Caucasus from VIR collection based on SSR markers TRIFONOVA Aya
Different resistance of bread wheat near-isogenic lines carrying various combinations of alleles of the Pp and Ba genes regulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanin to the pathogenic fungus Stagonosporа nodorum VESELOVA Svetlana
Study of melanin and anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation in barley grain by transcriptomic analysis of near-isogenic lines with different pigment composition VIKHOREV Alexandr
Evaluation of the effect of the WOX family genes overexpression on the somatic embryogenesis YAKOVLEVA Darya
CLE-peptides in Medicago truncatula somatic embryogenesis ZLYDNEVA Natalia
The studying of hybrid line with spherical grains and reduced height obtained by crossing triticale and synthetic hexaploid wheat ZORINA Maremyana
VirHunter: a deep learning-based method for detection of novel viruses in plant sequencing dataGrigorii Sukhorukov