
This conference will be the second in the series. The First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure held in Novosibirsk in August 1998 revealed that accumulation, analysis and recognition of genomic regulatory sequences have become now the actual problems in Bioinformatics.

Over the recent years genome research using direct sequencing and mapping has been advancing at ever increasing rates. The primary structure of thousands of genes, and numerous fragments of genomic DNA with unknown function have been brought to the researcher’s attention by mass sequencing. The huge volume of experimental data, that has been acquired on regulation of genome function and the mechanisms of gene expression regulation, continues to grow. A remarkably large number of regulatory elements that control gene transcription (transcription factor binding sites, enhancers, promoters, etc.) has been revealed experimentally. The bulk of experimental data on the other levels of expression (splicing, polyadenylation/processing, and translation) is impressive. Systemic investigation of the mechanisms of genome function and gene expression regulation at the level of gene networks and signal transduction pathways attracts more and more attention of researchers. This situation urges the development of databases on regulation of genome functions and makes computer-assisted analyses of these data a challenging problem of bioinformatics. The structure and regulation of the genome are counterparts of the life on the molecular level; that is why understanding of the fundamental principles of the regulatory genomic machinery is impossible unless their structural organization is known, and vice versa.

BGRS’2000 will bring together experts in Bioinformatics to discuss the progress in this field achieved at the end of 20th century, the basic approaches, problems with data description and analysis as well as the future trends in this field. We look forward to an exciting, productive conference and encourage you to take part in it. Please email us if you are interested in the conference and indicate the subjects that you consider most important to be discussed at the conference (see items below). Please feel free to make any comments about the scope of the conference: any suggestions are welcome.


  • Databases on regulatory genomic sequences and regulatory proteins;
  • Representation and integration of data on regulation of gene expression, genenets;
  • Databases, computer analysis, and modeling of metabolic pathways;
  • Computer methods of analysis and recognition of regulatory genomic sequences;
  • Methods of analysis and prediction of functional site activity;
  • Computer technologies for automatic knowledge discovery on gene regulation;
  • Gene structure prediction;
  • Models of transcription, splicing and translational control;
  • Large-scale genome analysis and functional annotation of nucleotide sequences;
  • The search for objective methods in annotating and finding signals in genomic sequences;
  • Evolution of regulatory genomic sequences;
  • Aspects of protein structure and structural genomics related to regulation;
  • Interactive links between Bioinformatics and experimental research on functional genomics (Micro array/biochips and other genome technologies)


Plenary lectures, symposia, posters and Internet computer demonstrations, round table sessions
Prof. Nickolay Kolchanov
Institute of Cytology and Genetics,
Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia:
TEL, +7(3832) 333468
FAX: +7(3832) 331278