Call for abstracts

The closing date for receiving extended abstracts of presentations is March 30, 2004.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject the abstracts that will come after the deadline or is prepared not pursuant to the rules.

The decision on acceptance for presentation will be communicated by May 1, 2004.


Extended Abstracts must be written in English and Abstract length should not exceed 4 pages, each being A4 format (210 х 297 mm). Text should be single-spaced with 3.5 cm from the left margin and 2.5 cm from other margins and justified.

Instructions to Authors
Please use 12-point Times New Roman font. Do not indent the start of paragraphs.
Please subdivide manuscripts of extended abstract into the following sequence of sections:



Separate title from names of authors by one blank line.

Names of authors
Authors’ surnames and initials should be typed in the separate line in bold Italics and initials should follow the family name.
In the next line the institutional affiliation(s), city, and country of authors should be given.
E-mail address of the corresponding author must be in the next line.
Any changes of address may be added to the footnotes. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk and the footnote ‘Сorresponding author’.
If authors have different institutional affiliations, please put before the family names and institutional affiliation of authors the same superscript number for each affiliation in the same order as the names of authors are listed.
Separate names of authors from key words by one blank line.
Key words
Up to ten key words should be supplied to assist in compiling the Subject Index. Separate key words from summary by one blank line.

Summary (Separate the text below from the word Summary by one blank line)
Summary is structured with a standard layout such that the text is divided into sub-sections under the following three headings: Motivation, Results, and Availability. All this words should be typed in Italics. In cases where authors feel the headings inappropriate, some flexibility is allowed. The abstracts should be succinct and contain only material relevant to the headings. A maximum of 150 words is recommended. If internet hyperlinks are available for any part of the abstract, then this should be given in the form of ‘clickable text’, i.e.{{http://www…}}.
Motivation: This section should specifically state the scientific question within the context of the field of study.
Results: This section should summarize the scientific advance or novel results of the study and its impact on computational biology.
Availability: This section should state software availability (academic or commercial) if the paper focuses mainly on software development or on the implementation of an algorithm. Examples are free availability over the Internet on WWW or ftp server; available on request from the authors; or available as a commercial package. The complete address (URL) should be given.

The sections should be separated from each other by one blank line.
The titles of sections should also be separated from the text below by one blank line.


Methods and algorithms

Implementation and results




In the text, a reference should be cited by author and date; not more than two authors may be cited per reference; if there are more than two authors, use et al. References must be numbered. At the end of the manuscript, the citations should be given in alphabetical order, with the authors surname followed by the initial. References should include in the following order: author name(s), year, paper title, journal title, volume number, inclusive page numbers. The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Book references should also include the editors and the name and address of the publisher. References should therefore be listed as follows:

  1. Bryce C.F.A. (1982) Rapid nucleic acid sequencing methods – alternative approaches to facilitating learning. J. Biol. Educ., 16, 275-280.
  2. Lonsdale D.M., Hodge T.P., Stoehr P.J. (1984) A computer program for the management of small cosmid banks. In Soll D. and Roberts R.J. (eds), The Applications of Computers to Research on Nucleic Acids II Part 2. IRL Press, Oxford, pp. 429-436.
  3. Soll D., Roberts R.J. (1984) The Applications of Computers to Research on Nucleic Acids II Part 2. IRL Press, Oxford.

Abstracts should be submitted in an electronic form as attachment files. Text and formulas must be written in MS Word v.6-7. Use Arabic numerals to cite formulas in the text and put these numbers to the right of the formulas in parentheses.

Note: All figures must be only black and white, NOT COLORED!
Figures (photos, pictures, schemes and graphics) should be submitted as separate files.
Photos should be submitted as separate files in Tiff, BMP, or PNG bitmaps with 300-600 dpi resolution. Pictures, schemes and graphics should be submitted in the vector format (MicrosoftExcel, MicrosoftWord, MicrosoftPowerPoint, or CorelDrow9).
Figures must be named as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and so forth. Figures and legends of figures should be placed within the text at locations where they will appear in the abstract. For inserting figures into text, please do not use the option “text wrapping”.

Please, submit manuscript including figures as an E-mail attachment to the conference Organizing Committee to

Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged by the Organizing Committee.

The closing date for receiving extended abstracts of presentations is March 30, 2004. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject the abstracts that will come after the deadline or is prepared not pursuant to the rules.

The decision on acceptance for presentation will be communicated by May 1, 2004.