Leksin I.Y.; Minibayeva F.V.
Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of the RAS, Kazan, Russia; Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
Lichens belong to extremophilic organisms, which survive in harsh environments. Mechanisms of their high stress tolerance include regulation at the gene expression level, however there are only few reports on the transcriptome analysis in stressed lichens.
In present work we analyzed differential gene expression in the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in response to UV-B exposure to learn about stress-induced defense proteins and secondary metabolites. Taken together, our data suggest that UV response of L. pulmonaria is regulated by complex interplay between gene activity in photobiont and mycobiont.Leksin_Gene_expression_in_lichen_Lobaria_pulmonaria_in_response
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