GENTZBITTEL Laurent, Skoltech, Moscow, Russia «Gene function validation and genomic breeding - cases for legumes» | Plenary Lecture |
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KRUTOVSKY Konstantin V., Georg August University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany «Forest genomics: main achievements and future prospects» | Plenary Lecture |
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CHURBANOV Gleb, SkyGen, Moscow, Russia «Plant research with nanopore sequencing technology» | Sponsor report – SkyGen |
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PATRIN Maxim, Maxim Medikal LLC, Phenomika LLC, Moscow, Russia «High throughput phenotyping an essential step in crop breeding process: current techniques and applications» | Sponsor report – Maxim Medikal LLC |
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BÖRNER Andreas, IPK, Seeland, OT Gatersleben, Germany «Plant genetic resources for improving stress tolerance – examples for cereals» | Plenary Lecture |
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KHLESTKINA Elena, VIR, Saint Petersburg, Russia «Synteny and convergence: insight to the Vavilov's Law after 100 years» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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AFANASENKO Olga, VIZR, St. Petersburg, Russia «Horizontal transfer of potato viroid PSTVd by Phytophthora infestans to and from host plants» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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SERDYUKOV Yuriy, Biogen-Analytica LLC, Moscow, Russia «New optical technologies in quantitative phase microscopy» | Sponsor report – Biogen-Analytica LLC |
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SHOEVA Olesya, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia «Ant13 encodes the WD40 regulatory factor controlling anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin synthesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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BARANOVA Olga, VIZR, St. Petersburg, Russia «Resistance of spring bread wheat lines developed by ARISER to abiotic stress and rust pathogens» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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BALASHOVA Irina, Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, Moscow region, RUSSIA «The heritability of carrot resistance to fungal diseases of Alternaria and Fusarium genus» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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GARNIK Elena, SIFIBR of SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia «The dark-induced senescence disruption in Arabidopsis thaliana glutamate dehydrogenase knockout mutant gdh1gdh2» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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SANAMYAN Marina, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan «Features of crossing and setting of hybrid seeds in hybrid cotton plants with replacement of substitution chromosomes» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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LAPOCHKINA Inna, The Federal Research Center «Nemchinovka», Odintsovo, Russia «Complex resistance of spring bread wheat lines to biotic and abiotic stress» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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BYCHKOV Ivan, IPP RAS, Moscow, Russia «Effect of melatonin deficiency and disruption of its receptor signaling pathway on photosynthetic parameters and expression of chloroplast genes in plants of Arabidopsis thaliana under photooxidative stress» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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POROTNIKOV Igor, VIR, Saint Petersburg, Russia «Molecular markers of the SKr gene in the evaluation of bread wheat genotypes with different crossability with rye» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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GRITSENKO Dilyara, IPBB, Almaty, Kazakhstan «SSR profiling of potato cultivars resistant to pathogens» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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KOSTYLEV Pavel, SSE «ARC «Donskoy», Zernograd, Russia «Transfer of rice resistance genes to blast using DNA markers» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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KIBALNIK Oksana, ItossorgoRosNIISK, Saratov, Russia «Stress immunity of CMS lines of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench at the basis of different cytoplasmic sterility types» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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DOROSHKOV Alexey, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia «Applications for single-cell transcriptomics in the analysis of plant organ development» | Sponsor report – SkyGen |
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CHEMERIS Dmitry, Maxim Medikal LLC, Moscow, Russia «Integrated portfolio of high-quality tools for plant genomics from LGC Biosearch Technologies: collaboration invitation» | Sponsor report – Maxim Medikal LLC |
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GRABELNYCH Olga, SIFIBR of SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia «Genetic transformation with GOX gene from Penicillium funiculosum as a mean for the increase of potato resistance to the extremal temperatures» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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SHEIN Mikhail, IBG UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia «The bacterial impact on the transcriptional activity of DCL2 and DCL4 genes in wheat plants infected with Stagonospora nodorum» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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TOROPOVA Elena, NSAU, VNIIF, Novosibirsk, Russia «Spring wheat varieties resistance to biotic stressors» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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UTEBAYEV Maral, RPCGF named after A.I.Baraev, Shortandy-1, Kazakhstan «Allelic diversity of gliadin-coding loci of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) of Siberian and Kazakh breeding» | SESSION 1 - Genetics of development and stress tolerance |
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KIROV Ilya, ARRIAB, Moscow, Russia «Breakthroughs in plant retrotranscriptome and mobilome characterization enabled by Nanopore sequencing» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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GORSHKOVA Tatyana, KIBB FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, Kazan, Russia «Plant cell wall as a target for functional genomics» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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YURKOV Andrey, ARRIAM, St. Petersburg, Russia «Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the North Caucasus and the Gorny Altai: biodiversity and role in plant-microbial interactions» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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RAIKO Mikhail, SPbU, St.Petersburg, Russia «Fungal metagenome of Chernevaya Taiga soils: taxonomic composition, differential abundance and factors related to plant gigantism» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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BADAEVA Ekaterina, VIGG RAS, Moscow, Russia «Genetic diversity of T. araraticum assessed using cytogenetics» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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SAMSONOVA Maria, SPbPU, Saint Petersburg, Russia «Genomic signatures of flax diversification and improvement» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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SINIAUSKSYA Marina, IGC NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus «The variability of organelle genomes in barley» | SESSION 2 - Evolutionary and functional genomics |
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MITROFANOVA Irina, Nikita Botanical Gardens, Yalta, Russia «Biotechnology of Horticultural Plants and Rare Endangered Species: Recent Research and Their Use» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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TVOROGOVA Varvara, SPbU, St. Petersburg, Russia «The search of somatic embryogenesis regulators in Medicago truncatula» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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ELKONIN Lev, Federal Agricultural Research Centre of South-East Region, Saratov, Russia «Improvement of sorghum seed storage protein digestibility using RNA-interference and genome editing» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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REZAEVA Barno, IPK, Ort, Gatersleben, Germany «Efficient formation of adventitious shoots from immature zygotic embryos of the oilseed crop camelina» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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KOVALEVSKY Rostislav, Biryuch-NT, Alekseyevka, Russia «The genetic basis of the «Food of the future» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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ADONINA Irina, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia «The studying genetic regulation of the vaviloid type of spike branching in hybrid lines of hexaploid wheat» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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BELAN Igor, Omsk, Agricultural Scientific Center, Omsk, Russia «Development of varieties of spring bread wheat using DH lines in Western Siberia» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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SARKISYAN Karen, Planta, Moscow, Russia «Substrate-free luminescence imaging in plants» | SESSION 3 - Plant biotechnology in the post-genome era |
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ZEMLYANSKAYA Elena, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia «Structural and functional characterization of transcription factor binding sites: from bioinformatics to hormone biosensors» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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GUBAEV Rim, Skoltech, Moscow, Russia «Genetic map construction and QTL mapping of oil-related traits in sunflower from VNIIMK collection» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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KASIANOV Artem, IITP RAS, Moscow, Russia «Novel method for isoform-centered analysis of alternative splicing using a combination of long and short-read sequencing data» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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KLEPIKOVA Anna, IITP RAS, Moscow, Russia «Gene expression stability at high evolutionary distances» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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ANIKIN Grigory, MGI Tech Co., Ltd / Helicon Company, Moscow, Russia «Whole genome sequencing - new perspectives in plant breeding» | Sponsor report – Helicon Company |
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GRIGOREVA Elizaveta, SPbFTU, St. Petersburg, Russia «De novo guar genome assembly and application of “omics” technologies to speed up guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) breeding in Russia» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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LOGACHEVA Maria, Skoltech, Moscow, Russia «Investigation of genetic control of agriculturally important traits in common buckwheat using a combination of genetic mapping and transcriptome analysis» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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TKACHENKO Alexander, ITMO, Saint Petersburg, Russia «Methylome profiling of guar isogenic lines (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) in different growing conditions using ONT technology» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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VOLKOVA Polina, RIRAE, Obninsk, Russia «Transcriptomics of plants in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: a step closer to understand the adaptation to chronic radiation exposure» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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KOZLOV Konstantin, SPbPU, Saint Petersburg, Russia «Modeling of flowering time in mungbean with Approximate Bayesian Computation» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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SHMAKOV Nikolay, ICG SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia «Pan-transcriptomic analysis of Solanum tuberosum NLR genes regulating resistance to Phytophthora infestans» | SESSION 4 - Bioinformatics, plant systems biology and digital phenotyping |
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BEN Cécile, Skoltech, Moscow, Russia «Tomato endophytic bacteria bioactive compounds as potential agents for the postharvest biocontrol of gray mold disease» | SESSION 5 - Industrial biotechnology |
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MAZUROV Vladimir, GenScript Biotech (Netherlands) B.V., Leiden, Netherlands «Gene Synthesis Accelerates Plant Biology Research» | Sponsor report – GenScript Biotech (Netherlands) B.V. |
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KHANDY Maria, FSC East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Vladivostok, Russia «The Instrumental Cultivation of Phlojodicarpus sibiricus Cell Culture» | SESSION 5 - Industrial biotechnology |
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PETRUSHIN Ivan, SIFIBR of SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia «Genomic features of oil model compounds biodegradation by Rhodococcus qingshengii strain VKM Ac-2784D» | SESSION 5 - Industrial biotechnology |
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