
Abstracts  SCHOOL SBB-2017 
Elibrary (НЭБ): https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30045611


Abstract example

In a format Word: example


Abstracts must be written in English and Abstract length should not exceed 2 pages, being A4 format (210 x 297 mm). Text should be single-spaced with 3.5 cm from the left margin and 2.5 cm from other margins and justified.

Please use 12-point Times New Roman font. Do not indent the start of paragraphs.
Please subdivide manuscripts of extended abstract into the following sequence of sections:


Separate title from names of authors by one blank line.
Names of authors
Authors’ surnames and initials should be typed in the separate line in bold Italics, and the family name should follow initials.
In the next line, the institutional affiliation(s), city, and country of authors should be given.
E-mail address of the corresponding author must be in the next line.
Any changes of address may be added to the footnotes. The corresponding author should be indicated by an asterisk and the footnote ‘Сorresponding author’.

If authors have different institutional affiliations, please, put the same superscript number for each affiliation in the same order as the names of authors are listed after the family names and before the institutional affiliation of authors.

I.A. Ivanov*, N.A. Sidorov
Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
e-mail: ivanov@bionet.nsc.ru
*Corresponding author

Separate names of authors from the text below by one blank line.

Key words: use 12-point Times New Roman in Italics.

Separate key words from the text below by one blank line.

The text is divided into sub-sections under the following headings: Motivation and Aim; Methods and Algorithms; Results, Conclusion and Availability; References (if necessary). All these words should be typed in Italics. In cases where authors feel the headings inappropriate, some flexibility is allowed. The abstracts should be succinct and contain only the material relevant to the headings. If internet hyperlinks are available for any part of the abstract, then this should be given in the form of ‘clickable text’, i.e.{{http://www…}}.

  • Motivation and Aim(specifically state the scientific question within the context of the field of study and indicate the purpose of the study);
  • Methods and Algorithms;
  • Results(summarize the scientific advance or novel results of the study);
  • Conclusion(briefly discuss the data and emphasize the significance of the results and their impact on computational biology);
  • Availability: This section should provide the software availability (academic or commercial) if the paper focuses mainly on software development or on the implementation of an algorithm. Examples are free availability over the Internet on www or ftp server; available on request from the authors; or available as a commercial package. The complete address (URL) should be given.
  • Acknowledgements (if necessary).

References (if necessary): References in the text are numbered in square brackets consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned, beginning with number 1.

The references in the reference list are numbered according to the order they appear in the text.

  1. Uthor, O.N.E.More. (2003) Title of the paper, Journal, 12: 13-16.
  2. U.Thor et al. (2003) Title of the paper, Journal, 12: 13-16.
  3. Uthor. (2003) Title of the book chapter, In: The Book, E.D.Itor et al. (Eds.), 13-16 (Publisher).

Poster Size: The maximum size allowed for each poster is 0.7 m wide х 1.2 m high.
Please note that this is a portrait (vertical) poster.