
Abstracts  SCHOOL SBB-2017
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9th YOUNG SCIENTISTS SCHOOL «Systems Biology and Bioinformatics», SBB-2017

Every year since 2008, the Federal Research Center of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS holds an international Schools for Young Scientists on “Systems Biology and Bioinformatics” for education on a wide range of areas in the field of modern biology (Archive of schools). Traditionally, the school is attended by young scientists, students and post-graduate students from Russia and more than 10 countries abroad. The event is quite popular: the average number of participant is more than 100.

From 25 to 30 of June, 2017, The Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with  Nikita Botanical Garden and All-Russian National Research Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking “Magarach” will hold 9th International Young Scientists School «System biology and bioinformatics – SBB’2017» in Yalta, Republic of the Crimea.

Bioinformatics is a rapidly developing field of knowledge. Each of the past Young Scientists Schools concerned topics urgent at those times. To preserve this tradition, the SBB-2017 will be dedicated to bioinformatics and systems biology, as well to plants biology in such areas as:.

  • Genomics and other “-omics” directions (details);
  • Evolution, biodiversity and bioresource collection (details);
  • Molecular genetic systems (details);
  • Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology of Plants and Microorganisms (details).

Young scientists, PhD students and undergraduate students are invited to participate in the School.

The School Program will include

  • hour lectures from specialists;
  • workshops, aiming on learning of modern applied science methods and approaches. Practical exercises will be conducted in mini-groups led by lectors on topics  of the school;
  • poster and oral presentation of young scientists.

! The best presentations will be awarded by certificates and prizes.
! To participate in the Young Scientists School SBB-2017 participant should register on this website and pay the registration fee.
! The best materials will be recommended by the Organizing Committee for publication as full-text articles in the special issues of the following journals: «Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics (JIB)», «Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB)», “Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding”.
! Submitting abstracts is not an requrement for the participantion.